Chapter 18

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"I wasn't going" I said as I sung always & forever by lil baby & MTS

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"I wasn't going" I said as I sung always & forever by lil baby & MTS. Hearing little giggles I seen Raii bouncing & laughing. It's been 4 months. Raii is now 6 months. Me & Sincere been
Co-parenting. Maybe I did too much but ain't nobody finna play me like I need a nigga, cause if anything, I'm always gonna be independent.

"You like the song fat man?" I smiled at him. Right now I was cooking dinner, Mashed potatoes, meatballs & mixed vegetables. Sincere was supposed to be coming over for dinner so we could have family dinner together. Hearing a knock I go to open the door & I seen my best friend Santana.

Santana & me goo way back. Like middle school way back, everyone was so convinced he had a crush on me but we just flirted from time to time. "Omg Tana" I jumped in his arms & he hugged me back. "hey babygirl" he smiled showing all 32. Santana was in jail, he's a drug dealer, this is nothing new.

"You gonna get down & let me in or what" he smiled. I jumped down & he followed behind me inside. "Wassup lil man" he smiled at Raii. "I didn't believe it when they said my lil mama had a baby, I wanna meet the babydaddy." He laughed. "You can, he's finna come over for dinner" I smiled.

"When did you get out?" I asked turning the stove off. "Yesterday, I had to freshen up though cause a nigga was lookin ruff ma" he said sitting on the couch. "whatchu been up to though sexy" he licked his lips lookin at me. "nothing really, online school.. taking care of Raii & tryna keep my bills taken care of" I said.

"Youn need help or shit?" He asked. He was & is overprotective of me & very caring & gentle with me. "noo, I have a little nursing job, it just school is too much, I might drop out" I said. "nope, we don't do that. If you need a babysitter, I'm always here" he smiled.

I knocked on Jessica's door waiting for her to open it

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I knocked on Jessica's door waiting for her to open it. Truth be told, I feel like I can't breath without her but I'm not finna let her know that. Watching the door open, I see her pretty face & perfect body standing in front of me. "hey Jess" I hugged her.

"Heyy boo" she said hugging back. I walked in & seen a nigga. "Jessica who the fuck is this?" I asked her. "First of don't question me in my house. This is my bestfriend Santana, Santana this is my baby daddy Sinc- "Red" I cut her off. "Wassup" he spoke. I nodded.

"Hey fat man, why mommy got you in this tight ass onesie" I laughed. "Say "my onesie not tight, I just growing" Jess said in a baby voice. "Whatchu make?" I asked. "Food, I made your plate it's at the table" she smiled. "Aye ma, can you gimme a to go plate, I gotta head over to my homeboy house" Santana asked her.

Fuck he need to eat here for? "Yea sure, but I thought we were gonna catch up" she said. "We are babygirl, I'm coming back tonight, I just gotta check on my trap n shit" he added. "okay" she smiled & gave him his plate. "Bring my bowl back nigga" she laughed. "I will sexy, I will" he walking walking towards his car.

"My son was around him?" I looked at her. "Yes, we use to ft him, he was in Jail & he just got out" she explained. "Y'all use to fuck or sum?" I asked biting my meatball. "no sincere & why should it matter to you, all you think I did was live offa you." Here she go. "We can never have peace, you always circling back to old shit." I spoke dropping my fork on the plate.

"Sincere get your son & get out, I'm not gonna argue with you tonight" she spoke. "Why, cause you wanna fuck him? You want me to get my son so you can fuck him in this house?" I yelled. "Yea, fuck it. I wasn't gonna fuck him but now I am because you wanna assume shit. Don't act like I didn't find out about you fucking some smooch named Ariyana." She yelled.

"We're not together" I said. "Cool, leave it at that. Finish your food, I'll get my son ready to leave with you." She said grabbing Raii's shoes. She's gonna be the fucking death of me. & when I see Sickness nigga, we gonna exchange a few words.

 & when I see Sickness nigga, we gonna exchange a few words

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"Mommy's pretty girl" I coo'ed at Marira (Ma-rear-ria). I had my baby girl 4 months ago. It's Marii's baby, I've been staying with him since I had her & me n juice haven't spoken since. I wouldn't say I was cool with Jess but I do see her when her, Sincere & baby Raii come to hang because the boys are still homeboys.

As far as I know, Sierra is outta the picture.. me & Marii do couple things but we aren't together at the moment. We define it as working on ourselves. "Hey girls" he spoke coming in the room. "Say, hi daddy" I spoke in a baby voice. "Wanna come with me to Draco crib?" He asked. "Sure"I nodded. We were already dressed so let's go.

We made it to Draco's house & I grabbed Marira & walked side. They all greeted us & shit. "Aye Invite Jess over, I wanna hangout with the gang" Sosa said. "She got a new little boyfriend name Sickness" Red said. "So, I like making new friends" Draco said. "Imma call her" He added.

30 minutes later

Jessica walked through the door with Santana. oh shit. "Heyy everyone" she waved. "big Jess, not the little oneee" Sosa said hugging her. "Red told us this is your little boyfriend, what's his name" Draco laughed as Red mean mugged. "He's not my boyfriend, he's my bestfriend Santana, Santana.. that's Draco, Juice, Marii, Sosa & Ace." She explained.

"Why didn't you introduce Myah?" Ace asked. "He knows me, we all go way back" I explained. "Well here are two extra seats right here" Draco patted the chair next to him. "Soo Santana, how long you known Jess" Sosa asked.

"Since 6th grade middle school" he answered. "Damn, that's long as fuck" Ace said. "You look mad" Sosa said to Red. "Fuck up" he spat.


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