Chapter 9

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After Logan's friend Kurt disappeared right in front of them, Steve offered to get some of the things he had about Logan and the rest of the Commandos, while the rest of the team all headed their separate ways to their own floors. Coulson, May and Maria stayed behind to start hashing out the details of rapidly getting the new version of SHIELD up and running to their standards. They all felt that it was more than time for them to take the fight to HYDRA and the rest of problems that were too small for the Avengers to take care of. By mutual agreement, they decided that they would be less spy organization and more of a security enforcement organization and Coulson and Maria were more than ready to put boots to asses and heels on necks.

When Steve came back to escort Logan up to the communal floors so that they could talk, he found Logan talking to Coulson about maybe working with them on some missions if they thought he would be needed. They all quickly found out that Logan really did not like human experimentation, especially if it was involuntary. Coulson said he would call if they needed Logan's special touch on a mission, adding that if they did call all he asked is that he at least keep one person in talking condition afterwards. Logan said that depended on what was found in the labs, cause in his words 'some folks just don't deserve to keep breathing.'

After shaking Coulson's hand, Logan joined Steve in the elevator and headed to the communal floors. When they arrived they sat at one end of the giant dining table Tony had put in since Steve tried to make the team sit down to eat together sometimes. When he asked if Logan wanted a drink, he was surprised when Logan asked if they had any beer since he figured that since he had a accelerated healing factor, that Logan couldn't get drunk. When he asked about that after handing a bottle of Clint's beer to Logan, Logan told Steve that he could get drunk, it just took large amounts of pure alcohol. The reason he drank beer was that he liked the taste, that he liked the wide variety of different beers and flavors. Logan told him that he would take him to a micro-brewery so Steve could try some different types and see if he could find one he liked. Steve agreed, figuring even if he ended up not liking any, at least it would be a good way to get to know his old friend after all this time.

They had been sitting at the table for awhile looking through everything that Steve had that mentioned Logan from back in WWII as James Howlett, when Steve asked how Logan's claws had been covered in metal. Logan was explaining how he had adamantium bonded to his entire skeleton while having one of his claws extended when they heard from behind them, "Uh, I know I drank a shit ton last night, but I'm pretty sure there was not a guy with a fucking sword sticking out of his hand here when I passed out last night. I'm sure I would have remembered that." When Steve looked over Logan's shoulder to see who was in the room with them, he saw a hungover Darcy leaning on the doorframe.

Before Steve could say anything, Logan turned and shot all six of his claws out to try and spook the girl. Darcy just cocked one eyebrow up and said, "Ok, in that case, if you're still here for Thanksgiving, you are so in charge of craving the turkey. Now I'm going to go shower and see if Pepper is mad at me for drunk dialing her last night while the Avengers were gone. Man I am glad it is the weekend, I could not handle trying to herd scientists today." walking past the two men towards the elevator.

Logan turned back to Steve, pulling his claws back in as he did, and just raised a eyebrow of his own. Steve answered, "That was Darcy, Dr. Foster's assistant. She is unofficially the one in charge of getting Tony, Bruce, Jane and the others out of the labs to eat and sleep once and awhile. She is firecracker. She says whatever is on her mind. As to her reaction to you just now, I think she just writes it off to the fact she lives with the Avengers and weird shit happens. At least that what she said once when someone asked how she dealt living here."

"Yeah well usually when I pop my claws out at someone, they usually start praying to god or just piss themselves. Not tell me I'm in charge of turkey duty for Thanksgiving. I wasn't too sure about this place, but I'm starting to think about staying for awhile. Sounds like it could be fun." replied Logan. "Also I probably should tell you I have heightened senses, so I can tell Hawkeye is in the vent above us and Black Widow is around the corner listening to us. I can smell him and though she is very good at moving silently, I can still scent her and hear the whisper of her breathe."

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