Chapter 11

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A very agitated Peter Parker was making his third lap around the block Avengers tower and Stark Industries was located on. He was try to talk himself into going inside the tower, to see Tony Stark. Tony Stark, the man who apparently knew his secret identity and offered him a internship in that same name. Who according to his girlfriend, knows Peter's name but has not told anyone else. On one hand Tony Stark knew who he was! The genius inventor Peter looked up to was aware of his existence. Peter wanted to fanboy so hard about that fact. But on the other hand, Tony Stark knew who he was, about both of his identities. Peter kept his identity secret to protect Aunt May and Gwen. Could he trust Tony with that information? The debate in his head was driving him insane.

So that probably why he almost walked into the black man in the military uniform that was walking into the tower. "Oh shit. Excuse me, I was just thinking and wasn't watching where I was going."

"It's ok son. I can recognize when someone has a lot on their mind. Since your doing your thinking in front of Avengers tower and have that look on your face, I'd say Tony Stark is involved somehow." replied the officer.

"Wha-how did you know that? I mean, I don't know what you're talking about." sputtered Peter.

"Yeah. Tony is definitely involved. Want some help dealing with him?" offered the officer.

"How can you help? Last I knew, Stark doesn't work with the military anymore. Wouldn't having you help be a problem?" asked Peter, as they both entered the tower lobby.

"Well, you're right Tony doesn't deal with the military anymore. I'm the exception to the rule." the officer told him.

"Oh yeah. Why's that?" shot back Peter.

"Because he's my oldest, best friend, James 'Rhodey' Rhodes." they heard from the direction of the elevators, seeing Tony standing leaning against the open door of an elevator.

"Hello Tony. Its been too long man." Rhodey striding up to his friend, the two of them meeting in a back slapping hug.

"It's great to see you too, Rhodey. What brings you to New York? Did the military send you to try and talk me into building weapons again? Because the answer is still no. Well except for any you need. You can have whatever you want." a grinning Tony said.

"Got it in one. Aw hell I know it's a waste of a trip, but it gets me a free trip to New York on the military's dime. Plus I wanted to congratulate you for finally making an honest woman out of Pepper. Also yes I'll be your best man. Thanks for asking." replied Rhodey.

"Thanks man. I couldn't imagine my life without her now. Just wish I'd had the guts to do it sooner. I wasted too many years denying what I wanted. Pretty stupid for a genius." Tony said.

"Hey you said it, not me." Rhodey laughed out.

The two friends both laughed at that before turning to look at the confused teenager. Before either one of them could say anything, Peter asked, "If he's in the military, why is he the exception to the rule? What makes him so special?"

"Ever heard of Warmachine?" asked Tony. At Peter's nod, he said, "Rhodey here is Warmachine. That's why."

At that revelation, instead of the shocked open mouth face they thought they would get from the teen, Peter launched into a series of questions about the differences in the two suits of armor, their armaments and combat capabilities.

While Peter was going glassy eyed at meeting Tony Stark in person and finding out the pilot of Warmachine, slowly sliding into fanboy mind set, Rhodey leaned over and asked, "So what is the story with the kid? He has lapped the building at least twice, working up the nerve to come in here. So the question is, what did you do to scare him yet make it worth him coming here?"

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