Kem Minda Sihat

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A/n: cerita ni manglish, nama letak y/n and ada makian dan cacian (korang tngk high council kot) but aku tak letak short form la (lama weh aq tak tulis fanfic sejak ii sign contrect HEHEHEH) ENJOY

(Eventually when timeline dah caught up, cerita ni akan sync up dengan phc timeline and jalan cerita)

Y/f/n = your full name
2004 (Kahar form 3):

Genuinely, I am fine. Well, I am managing. Yes, I might be mentally unwell, a bit depressed here and there but I'm attending therapy, so really, aku tak faham kenapa aku nak kena join kem minda sihat ni semua.

"Y/f/n" Cikgu sekolah KUDRAT yang tengah pegang list nama budak-budak Kem Minda Sihat panggil.
"Present, sir." I said and raised my hand to make sure he sees me.

The teacher nodded as a sign of acknowledgment.

I know I've been complaining a lot tapi bagus la at least I don't have to stay home and hadap bapak.

My eyes wandered to the left side of the hall, there are a few students peaking from the windows and the doors.

"Alright, welcome to KUDRAT everybody, for today we don't have much activities so you guys can try and make friends or ... not. Start unpacking and settle everything for classes and kem activities. For those who doesn't have to attend special classes, you'll need to follow the school's class as stated in your slip."

Special classes are made for those who are in the kem and have social anxiety and learning issues.

For me...
I looked down at the slip in my hand. "4 Berani"

"And you guys are assigned dorms as well, again for those who aren't in special classes"

For dorm: Jebat.

"Alright, for those who has dorm names, you guys can go out of the hall and find the student dorm's representative"

I sighed, have to walk ke, aku dah malas, aku fikir katil, fikir tidur.

Aku jalan ikut crowd keluar dari dewan, ramai budak-budak pegang sepanduk dengan nama—nama dorm.

Aku nak tidur

Wah, jantan. Handsome jugak budak-budak kudrat.

The guy who holds the sepanduk of Jebat's dorm, he has curly hair, not bad actually.

It happens to be that I'm standing right in front of him.

He smiles, macam kerang busuk.

"Hi, saya kahar." He said and pointed at himself. "Saya representative dorm awak. Patutnya budak form 5 handle tapi dia sakit jadi saya gantikan" you can tell this kid is excited that he has a responsibility.

"Uh, good for you?"

He face fell a little, he shakes his head and smiles again.

"Nama awak apa?"

"Nama aku y/n, dari sekolah STIA"

"Wah budak STIA, budak pandai la ni." Dia cakap sambil senyum.
"Uh, budak Jebat lain mana?"

I turn around to look behind me. Yang ada cuma Aliya, Lara dan Alis. Semua budak STIA

"I'm pretty sure that budak-budak STIA dapat dorm sekali. Yang missing tu geng-geng huru harakan sekolah."

I walked away from him, in my half asleep state I perasan yang budak-budak tu semua lari belakang dewan. For some reason, budak Kahar tu bagi sepanduk dekat Alis dan follow aku.

"Woi, first day kem dah buat hal kenapa?" Aku sergah budak-budak laki, yang as expected, tengah hisap rokok.

"Biarlah, kacau kau ke?" Budak tu jawab.

"Uhm, abang, kalau boleh jangan la buat hal, sebab sekarang abang-abang semua tanggungjawab saya, apa-apa saya yang kena..." Kahar jawab, kenapa polite sangat budak ni.

"Malam kau hisap la rokok, sekarang naik dorm, lepas settle buat la apa kau nak buat" aku cakap, sebenarnya budak ni kuat gaduh, aku malas nak naikkan darah dia.

Dia angguk dan setuju naik dorm dengan Kahar.

Lepas settle Kahar tunjuk dorm, lagi sekali as expected, aku satu bilik dengan budak-budak STIA perempuan.

Everyone was unpacking and I decided to wander around the school. Cari spot healing.

"Hi awak." Kahar cakap as soon as I stepped my feet out of the dorm's door.

I didn't say anything and keep walking. He followed me.

"Awak nak pergi mana?"

"Kau aku je boleh?"

Dia terdiam. Then angguk.

"Kau nak pergi mana?"

I sighed, actually kalau ada cabel senang la nak cari spot healing. "Aku nak cari spot lepak, malam -malam tengok bintang."

"Oo. Jom, ikut sa- ikut aku." He said, overly excited and pulled my hand. We ended up with this place nearby the woods, there's a wooden bench.

"Sekolah ni memang ada hutan, sini cantik malam-malam."

Dia duduk atas the wooden bench and cakap. "Come la." He said and patted the seat next to him.

I hummed and sat.

"Malam ni.. kau free?" Dia tanya.

"Free. Kenapa?"
Dia senyum and rubbed his palms on his pants as if he's nervous.

"Oh takde la, aku selalu datang sini malam-malam.

Dia nak ajak aku lepak ke. Cakap je la.


"Uh.. jom la malam ni."

Usually I don't accept these type of hangouts but might as well, I know I'm going to fall into a depressive episode soon, I can fight this guy and he's kinda cute so-

"Yea sure, why not."

He smiled much wider. Comel jugak budak ni.


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