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2004 (Kahar form 3):

Sebab harini Sabtu, takde prep, bebas, tidur, tak jadi tidur sebab Kahar ajak lepak. Haish nyesal aku.

When I was eating at the dewan makan I could see Kahar







"Jom?" He asked right when I'm done with my food. "Sekarang? I asked him. He nodded and smiled. "Ye la sekarang, jom." He said and took my plate and my hand.

Excited benor budak ni.

"Wash your hands." Kahar placed my plate at the spot and said. He keeps smiling, tak penat ke?. I sighed and washed my hands. Right when I'm done, he grabbed my hands and we headed to the woods together.

"Nah." Kahar handed me a can of milo right after we settled down on the bench together.
"Lepak minum milo je? Carlsberg la." I joked and he laughed. "Haram la gila."  He laughed along

I laughed a little and drank the milo. "Kau form berapa?" I asked him.

"Form 3, kem tu memang untuk form 4 kan?" He asked.

"Haah. Jangan cakap pasal kem?"

Kahar nodded. "Sorry."

I shifted my eyes from the stars and looked at him. "Kau sejuk ke?" Obviously, the guy is visibly shivering. "Sikit la." Kahar jawab. I took my hoodie off. Already wearing long sleeves underneath so I don't mind.

"Here. Dah tahu sejuk pakai sleeveless."  I teased while offering him the hoodie.

Kahar chuckled a little but took the hoodie anyways. "Patutnya terbalik ni."

I laughed as well. "One day la."

Kahar wore the hoodie and felt the pockets. "Kau hisap rokok?"

Oh shit. "Yea. Sometimes. Napa? Nak sebatang?" I asked him, he must've felt the pack in pocket.

Kahar looked around as if trying to make sure it's just us. "Boleh je sebatang tapi..."

"Takut warden?" I asked him.

"Bukan, mr sim memang tak ronda. Tapi.." Kahar keeps trailing.

"Tapi apa bang?"

Kahar sighed and opened his mouth to continue. "Tapi dekat sini pelik sikit. Kena ada lesen."


"Kudrat ni... aku tak sure these underground rules apply dekat kau ke tak tapi tu la. Nak hisap rokok, nak tuck out baju, nak buat semua la kebanyakkan nya kena ada lesen." Kahar explained.

"Kalau tak? Kena pukul?"

Kahar shrugged. "Ye, ada yang lain-lain."

I hummed. I kept looking at the sky, wondering why this boy feels so easy to talk to. "Aku boleh gaduh."
Kahar gelak.

"Kau gelak? Napa aku tak scary ke? Kat STIA orang takut aku tau."

Kahar senyum and sambung gelak. "Kau comel je." Dia reply.

I pushed him a little. "Ye la tu."

(Tomorrow morning)

I tied my hair up and walked out of the room and into the dorm's hallway. I see Kahar already waiting at the stairs. "Hi." Kahar greeted.

"Pagi-pagi pon excited?" I teased him.

"Hidup kena cergas." Kahar reply. "Hoodie kau." Kahar hulurkan tangan dia. "Simpan ah." Instead of ambil hoodie I held his hand and walked down the stairs. "Sapa sampai dewan makan dulu dia menang." Kahar cakap and let go of my hand and ran. "Woi mana aci main tipu." I said and raced him.

We sat together and ate.

When the bell rang we parted ways.

"Morning class, as you can see we have one student from Kem Minda Sihat. Y/n, introduce yourself." The teacher said.

"Uh, hi, y/n from STIA."
I said awkwardly and sat at the only empty spot, which is, thankfully, the most belakang seat.

Classes were boring.

Boring until I realise there's a note slipped into my bag.

"Aku suka lepak dengan kau." With a silly face drawn on the paper.

I smiled a little. Comel budak ni.

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