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Tw: parental abuse

2006 (Kahar form 5):

Third person pov:

Kahar clutched at his stomach and close his eyes. He's sitting on his bed but leaning forward to try to ease his burning stomach.

Ayah sepak dia.


Bag Kahar yang dia tak sempat letak pon masih lagi ada dekat pintu depan. Kahar's eyes widened when he remembers that he didn't have the chance to take his bag to his room because once he steps foot in his house, his dad had taken it upon himself to greet Kahar with a slap across his face and kicks on his stomach. Once his father feels satisfied with the punishment, he just left.

Kahar stood up slowly to exit his room. The whole house was silent, indicating that his father hasn't returned home. He lets out a relief sigh. If ayah sees the abandoned bag, he will surely beat Kahar even more.

Kahar starts walking towards the bag and picked it up. He then brings his bag with him and place it in his room. He didn't dare to lock the door.

His eyes shifted from the bed to the small table next to it, on the table is nothing but a picture frame.


Kahar's eyes softened, he reached over to take the frame. It's the last picture he had ever taken with his Ibu. He was only 11 at the time. Before the accident happened.

Before ayah regret saving him and not Ibu.

Kahar trace his thumb over Ibu's picture. In the picture he was smiling and Ibu was simply standing behind him while pinching his cheeks.

"Kahar rindu ibu." He said softly. He sets the frame back gently and went to take a shower.

Once his ayah got back home, it was already night time. Kahar was studying with his earphones on.

Big mistake.

"Mu dok dengor ko?!" Kahar heard a yell from behind him while his head is being pushed to the front. Ayah tolak dia kuat sangat sampai dahi dia berlanggar dengan meja study.

Kahar holds his head and hissed softly. "Maaf." Kahar said. Ayah tarik dia dari kerusi belajar, roughly by the arm. "S-sakit ayah."


Kahar was dragged by the arm to the kitchen. His saw plastic bags. "Hidang." Ayah simply said and leave the kitchen.

Kahar starts putting the food in the plate, scared that his father will return before he's finished.

By the ratio of the food, he knows damn well he's not getting any food.

Once Dato' Abu Yamin arrives to the table, he sat and looked at Kahar. "Air?" He asked Kahar sternly. Kahar nodded and rushed to the cabinet to find the serbuk kopi. His hands are shaking, he could hear the pathetic sound of the spoon and the cup hitting each other because of his shaky hands.

Kahar's shaky hands held the cup and set it down in front of his father who was eating.

To his worst luck, the cup fell and the hot coffee spilled onto Ayah.

"Memang nak keno!" Ayah jerkah and pulled Kahar by his hair to the water boiler.

"Yah Kahar mintok maaf yah!" Kahar begged but his father ignored him.

He held out Kahar's arm and poured the boiling water on Kahar's arm.
"AMPUN YAH SAKIT! TOLONG AYAH!" Kahar yelled while looking at his arm. Trying to pull away but his father somehow is stronger than him.

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