6. Inheritance

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Emilia sat on her backside, her arms flimsy and beside her, as she panted heavily like a dog in heat. Ever since returning, Andres Santana demanded his daughter take self defense classes, his anxiety too high that he offered every form of protection to her possible. His daughter accepted, needing to get out the house each day and deciding that she could do with the exercise but in that moment she absolutely regretted it. Bria Fogelli worked her to death, the petite but strong toned woman worked for Emilia's father and she was strict like him no less. 'Emilia... come on we aren't finished yet' Bria said, holding out her hand to Emilia.

Emilia laughed humorlessly, despite Bria's soft voice she knew what waited her once she was back on her feet. 'I'm tired' the sweaty girl whined, her hand in Bria's but refusing to lift herself off the ground. 'Come on, we can finish off with some interval runs on the treadmill' Bria said, tugging her up and walking over to the running machines. Emilia jumped on the machine, sprinting for her life as Bria tampered with the speed. After what felt like an eternity, Emilia was hunched over catching her breath. 'Well done Emilia, you did great today' Bria congratulated, rubbing her shoulders.

Despite the pain, Emilia loved spending time with Bria and she hoped that Bria did too. She was her first proper friend, someone she could rely on outside of her father and her brothers. 'Bria, I never want to do that again' Emilia laughed sitting in front of Bria who was sipping some water. They both laughed at each other and chit chatted, catching up on things girls did. Bria appreciated this time with the boss' daughter, it was different from the heartless missions and mundane soldier jobs. 'So... tell me about the Italian hunk who is after you' Bria asked, wiggling her eyebrows causing Emilia to laugh again.

In truth, Emilia tried her best to place him out of her mind but she simply couldn't. After their date two weeks ago he sent her flowers, cards, chocolates. It seemed he was serious about 'courting her' but Emilia tried to not let herself get carried away. She was pretty inexperienced with men and not because she wanted to be but because she had a ruthless father and pestering brothers who would drive away any soul who stepped within a 5 feet radius of the girl. 'Nothing really, I had to go to dinner with him two weeks back but we don't really speak or have communicated' Emilia answered, scratching the back of her head.

'Well Fabian told me he's been sending lots of chocolate, I hope you haven't been over indulging?' Bria teased, raising her eyebrows in mockery. Emilia snorted 'No. Fabian is the one who eats them all mostly' It was hard for her heart not to wander, not to be sucked into the deep fantasy that was Lorenzo Valetti. 'Ah Emilia, your father is waiting for you. He just buzzed the intercom' Bria said, getting up on her feet and Emilia too. The both of them parted ways and Emilia headed upstairs, wondering what her father wanted

As Emilia made it through the door, her brother Fabian sat on the sofa. 'Pops is in the office Emi' he said, not diverting his eyes from the television. She strolled towards the two large mahogany doors before knocking lightly and entering. 'Papa, I heard you in the intercom. What's wrong?' Emilia asked, taking a seat in front of him. Andres Santana enjoyed every moment he had with his daughter, those four years she spent away from their family was painful for him but necessary. 'Here' he stood from his seat, a manilla folder in his hand which he passed to her. 'What's this?' his daughter asked, flicking through it quickly.

'It's the deeds to your mothers business. When she died she left it all for you' he answered, those blue eyes staring into hers. Emilia could only hold her breathe, her mother meant the world to her and to know she left her business for her made her heart stutter in her chest. 'W-what?' she stuttered shakily, opening the folder yet again, allowing her eyes to take in the information on the white pages within. 'As you know your mother owned her own fashion house. She started it all on her own when we first married with her own money' Andres started, a small smile on his lips as he looked towards the ceiling.

He remembered his late wife, her gentle smile and thick brown hair. She was beautiful and so elegant. He remembered when he first saw her, he could not look away, he was entranced, captured really. Rosaline Santana was his world and he adored her great strength. 'Your mother always had a creative mind. She loved to sew and crochet. She would pull down curtains and make dresses from it!' he laughed, remembering the black curtain she tore down once to create a dress that popped into her mind. 'After she died i made sure it would keep going. Your mother wrote a small will and in it she named you the only person she wanted to take it over' Emilia's father said, looking towards his daughter now

He could see the gratefulness and longing on her face. Those familiar blue eyes that shook slightly in love at the thought of her mother who she lost when she was still so young. Emilia stood quickly and ran to her fathers side, hugging him tightly. 'Thank you for sharing this with me papa. Of course i will take on mama's business, it would mean the world to me' the girl said, kissing his cheek. Emilia could not contain her excitement. Like her mother she loved fashion and taking over her mothers projects would give her purpose in this world. 'I'm happy you are happy mi flor. Get dressed and i shall tell Dillion to take you over to your mothers offices. I shall call the fashion director and let her know the new owner is on her way' he smiled, squeezing her hand.

The girl nodded her head and darted for the door and went to her room. She quickly pulled off her training gear and headed for the shower, needing to wash away her hard work with Bria. Rosaline Santana was the epitome of the Santana family. She was the kindness and warmth every home needed, she listened when papa was harsh or when Fabian annoyed her. She was the voice of reason that outweighed Roderigo at times. Rosaline Santana was home and without her the hole in her families hearts was empty but her memory burned on in their souls. Emilia smiled to herself as she showered and washed her hair, she remembered the love of her mother and how even when she still wasn't here she still loved and cared for her.

Shortly after, the raven haired girl was out of the shower and dressing. She decided on a black suit for her first meeting with the staff and pulled on a matching pair of black heels, she wished to mean business. After all, her parents did the same. Brushing her hair back, she placed it into a low ponytail and applied light make up to her face. Emilia knew that with this life she always had a golden spoon in her mouth, she never took for granted how it was always given to her. Even at this time she hadn't worked for this position but she wanted to earn the trust of her mothers advisors, of the ones who worked alongside her, their approval meant a lot for her. So as she sprayed one more spritz of her perfume, she grabbed her long black coat and headed for the stairs.

'Let's go Dillion' she said well chipper, getting into character for her new role as owner of a company. 'Never do that again' Dillion laughed and Emilia rolled her eyes, slowing her speed to walk just behind him. They both entered the lift. 'Congratulations Emilia, your father told me that your mothers business was passed on to you' Dillion congratulated, his hand was stretched out to hers and she placed it in his, allowing for a firm handshake. 'Thank you Dillion. What was the handshake for?' She asked, a small giggle on her lips. 'Well if you are going to be a business owner, professionalism is very important. A great handshake is always standard for any great boss' he said matter of factly, teaching Emilia the ways of work.

She shook her head and took mental notes of all the things he was saying so she could make a good first impression.

Emilia now sat at her new desk. After meeting with some of the staff she took a tour of the large skyscraper building. She was in awe that her mother created such a thing and from her own money too. A knock came to the door 'C-come in' Emilia sounded, snickering at how she sounded like her father. 'Miss Santana' called a voice, it was a young woman who seemed slightly older than herself. She was tall and blonde, with warm brown eyes. 'I am Melissa, I will be your PA and secretary from now on. I understand this is your first time in the office i hope it's for your liking?' she asked.

Emilia stood from her seat and ushered towards the woman, taking out her hand like Dillion did to her earlier. 'It's great to meet you. I'm sorry about how abrupt this is, i understand a smooth transition would have been better for you but I wanted to get stuck in right away' Emilia said honestly. Melissa loved the kindness in her voice, although everyone who worked Santana Studios was great she had experienced some terrible people in the fashion world and it was refreshing to have a kind boss. 'No, it's no worries. I'm actually very happy you're keen on being so involved. I know we are going to do great work together' she replied

'Me too' Emilia smiled

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