15. Honeymoon Treat

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'Keep going,  just for me'

Lorenzo stood by the door frame, a look of warmth and content painting his face as he watched his sweet little wife silently sleep. The covers rested just above her chest, which moved ever so slightly as she took in sweet breaths of slumber. He could hardly look away, his mouth lifting into a knowing grin, knowing he had acquired the one thing he wished for. Her, his gattina. Her warm soft cheeks glowed under the darkness of the room, the patter of rainfall outside masking his dark aura as his eyes drank in her small frame.

Turning, he walks towards the kitchen, his stomach growling in need after hours of satiating the beast beneath his skin. He couldn't help the small smile finding its way to his lips, the same lips that dedicated themselves to the warm skin of his wife all night long. Lorenzo's mouth had traced the warmth of her tanned skin, felt the rosy blush that came to its surface as he touched her. His ears hummed in memory, reminding himself of the gasps and moans that left those sweet petal lips as he filled her even so sweeter cunt to the brim. A man as dark as he, should not be given such a pure innocent thing and yet he did.

He had acquired the most innocent woman in his world, the one everyone sought after and begged for. The Spanish beauty laid in his bed, her hair sprawled along the pillow and her deep breaths of slumber a different sound to the feeling of ecstasy he brought to her body. His mind was plagued with her sound, her smell. Her smell, he thought, his eyes shutting in pleasure as he remembered her musky scent coating his mouth. She begged him to close his eyes, to not embarrass her but the animal deep inside him ravaged her. Sucking, licking, feasting on every drop that fell from her needy little hole. He hated what she turned him into, the desperate incubus who latched on to her skin in need of sensuality. She turned him into this monster but he enjoyed it. He enjoyed embracing the dark coat he had on his shoulders, the fulfilment of selfish greed.

Lorenzo's eyes had darkened, his stomach bubbled with the usual feeling of need every time he thought about her but he carried on with his task of making breakfast. He knew his gattina would be hungry and waking up soon, so he got to work. Time passed by slowly, the clock ticking as he waited for her to wake up, maybe he needed to set some house rules for his kitten, he wanted her to be ready and waiting for her always but he pushed away the thoughts of the monster below, allowing his wife time to sleep after their first night married. After preparing the plates, Lorenzo grew impatient, his fingers tapped the cold surface of the kitchen counter before he pushed off and turned around the corner.

Yet a small sound halted his steps, the sound of  an angel realising its wings have been clipped, finding its feathers scattered in a sad circle. His dark eyes fell towards the rustled hair and blue eyes just below him. 'O-oh Lorenzo! I'm sorry, I didn't see you' Emilia quietly apologised, her teeth pulling on her pink swollen lips. Lorenzo willed himself into control, the insatiable thing clawing at the corners of his mind. Wondering what it would feel like to push her against the wall right there for her little indiscretion. He thought about what he would feel if he pushed her legs apart and sunk his fingers into her deep, wet heat. His eyes flashed, warmth filling him as he stared at her. 'I didn't see you principessa, I came to wake you up' he confessed, his small piece of rationale taking over. His eyes looked over his wife, noticing she was wearing his white dress shirt from the wedding and a pair of slippers from the bedroom.

'I am quite hungry' Emilia confessed, a small giggle leaving her mouth, allowing the sexual tension to ease. Lorenzo laughed too, 'Come, i must feed my wife. What kind of husband would i be if i didn't?' his hand took hers and pulled her towards the kitchen, where two plates sat on the counter. 'Seduta kitten' Lorenzo ordered, his hand pulling out a chair at the table before placing the plate just before her. Emilia settled in her seat, the shuffling of her slippers the only sound in the room as Lorenzo poured them drinks and sat next to her. 'Eat' he spoke again, picking up his knife and fork and tucking in. The couple ate quietly, a few looks at each other and touches of knees before Emilia spoke. 'It's lovely, thank you' she said meekly. 'You're welcome Emilia, anything for you' Lorenzo replied, his hand took hers, kissing it in admiration.

'After this we have to go meet the Falcones' Lorenzo said, his plate was now empty and his fingers stroked his wife's thighs. 'The Falcones?' Emilia replied, confused but slightly disappointed. Her blue eyes dulled but looked towards her husband for an explanation. 'I know it's our honeymoon baby but we have to meet with them. It's tradition. Trust me, if it was my choice I would lock you away in this suite and have my fill of you' Lorenzo sighed, his lips once again kissing his wife's body. Emilia could only blush at his words, he wasn't trying to get away from her, he wasn't bored of her yet. 'Who are they?' she asked, unsure if that crossed boundaries

'Massimo Falcone is one of the elders of the organisation. For since it was formed the heir of the business is to introduce his wife to the elder of the business.' Lorenzo explained, he turned Emilia's chair to face him, their legs touching as he took her hands in his. 'You have nothing to worry about, you are perfect.' he kissed her forehead before standing and taking their plates. Emilia found herself next to him, readying herself to wash the plates but Lorenzo pulled her back into the seat, her falling on to his lap. 'I like you in my shirt baby' he smirked, his fingers fiddling with the buttons as he pushed her back closer to his chest, his head nestling into her neck. 'There was nothing for me to wear...' Emilia muttered, her cheeks painting its signature rosy colour. 'I prefer you in nothing' Lorenzo groaned, his hips pushing into her subtly as his mouth kissed her neck. 'I prefer your sweet pink hard nipples rather than buttons'

His deft fingers found her hardened peaks, twisting them through fabric of the white shirt. 'Exactly tesoro, exactly like that' he growled, his eyes closing as he took in her scent, allowing himself to relapse into a being of no self control. 'Oh gosh' Emilia sounded, her mouth falling open as her husband made quick work of her breasts. His hand fell lower, dropping to where her bare flesh hid underneath his shirt. 'No panties? My sweet little wife learns quick' His hand smacked her damp mound, soliciting a gasp from Emilia. 'You see Emilia' Lorenzo started, his breaths uneven, whilst his hands snaked around her throat and towards her open mouth. He couldn't help but dip his fingers past her lips, stopping any noise from coming out. 'I tried my best to be good for you'

'I made breakfast for you and i kept to myself but you...' he breathed, his mouth nipping at her skin as he spoke. 'You come in here, tits perky and pussy dripping. You can't expect me to keep my hands to myself hmm?' he asked rhetorically, knowing that the fingers in her mouth prevented her from speaking. 'You might be my kitten but i'm your dog on a leash. You pull and i follow' he confessed. There was no denying it, he had been weak for her the moment they met. The smell of her perfume, the glimmer of her sea breeze eyes, one could hardly resist the features of a siren. Lorenzo took his hand from his mouth and lowered it to her slit, not caring to be gentle as he pushed past the little bit of resistance he hadn't broken yesterday.

'L-Lorenzo. Not here' Emilia whispered, her eyes were clamped shut and her back against Lorenzo's front as she sat languidly on his lap. She couldn't help open her legs a little, giving him room to fasten the pace of his fingers. 'Please. Please give me more' the siren muttered, her usual spell now being worked on her as her husband worked his fingers through her eager, tight hole. 'That's right baby. Beg. Beg me to keep going' he pleaded, the erotic tones of Emilia's voice causing his member to grow as he kept up his hard work. Soon the black haired beauty was clenching around him, her hips moving ever so slightly to bring him deeper. 'Aaaah' Emilia gasped, her cunt shaking once again, as she released her creamy ecstasy all over Lorenzo's fingers. 'Good girl' he praised, his fingers slowly pulling away and dipping into his mouth.

'That felt good' Emilia replied lazily, her eyes closed in bliss. 'Good. You should always feel good. Well done beautiful' Lorenzo praised, buttoning her shirt and taking her to the bedroom.

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