007: what a shame

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— chapter seven

imola, italy

"COME ON, RONNY." lando urged the girl to agree. verona rolled her eyes at her pouting best friend.

lando and some of the other drivers, spontaneous, decided to take a trip down to rome, italy, for a few days before they were set to fly out to miami.

now, lando was trying to convince the blonde model to join them since she, too, had a break before miami fashion week.

verona sighed and nodded her head, lando's lips curved into a smile and his hands pumped into the air in victory, "it's not like i have anything better to do."

"perfect!" lando exclaimed, "okay so it's me, you, daniel, george, carlos, max, pierre and charles—"

"charles is coming?" the blonde asked a little too enthusiastically. lando smirked and shook his head.

"yes, and his girlfriend isn't."

"what a shame."

"don't do that. you said you were over him."

"i am! i don't know what you are talking about." verona shrugged. lando rolled his eyes.

"you're a horrible person."

"i'm not gonna do anything, lan." verona tilted her head. maybe she wasn't over charles, she'd had feeling for the monegasque driver for over a year, but she wasn't about to ruin a relationship to get with him.

lando nodded, "i know."

"alright, continue what you were saying."

"okay, so daniel is renting the car—"

"no stop!"


"car? as in road trip?"


"lando norris, you expect me to be in a car with you and six other men?!"

"it's only a 5 hour drive, ron."

"yes, 5 hours trapped in a car with seven guys." verona shuddered at the thought.

"it won't be that bad." lando waved her off.

"if i even make it out of this even 1% sane it'll be a miracle."

i think im just gonna write rondo friendship chapters
rip for charles' grind penalty this weekend 😭

𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐀, charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now