022: aunty ve

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— chapter twenty two

monte carlo, monaco

P1, CHARLES CHEERED AS HE CRUISED THROUGH THE STREETS OF MONACO. qualifying for the monaco grand prix was over and charles would be starting front of the grid in his home race the next day.

the feeling was surreal for the monegasque as he jumped out of the red car and pumped his fists in the air. charles made his way through the garage, hugging his race engineer and mattia.

"charlie!" verona called out, the brunette turned to her voice with the widest grin. his arms wrapped around her and he lifted her in the air. "i'm so proud of you!"

it had been only two day since charles had ended his relationship with lola, but it didn't take long for him and verona to return to their old relationship.

despite max insisting verona be redbull's guest for the weekend, verona politely declined, not wanting to break her tradition of being ferrari's guest at monaco.

"i just hope i can keep this place tomorrow." the brunette man ran a towel down his face to wipe away from sweat.

"i hope so too. just don't give up and i promise everything will work out." verona leaned in for another hug.

"thank you, cherie."

the pair parted ways, verona heading to the redbull garage to see max before his media duties. the blonde hugged her boyfriend and assured him to believe in himself for the race.

"i don't see how far believing in myself will get me in a race with little to no overtaking possibilities." the dutchman grimace. verona frowned at his pessimism.

max had been doing incredibly so far in the season, P1 in the last three races, so verona chalked up his bad mood to wanting to perform better.

"you're right, this isn't an easy race to overtake in but that doesn't mean you cant improve your position." the blonde held her boyfriend's face, "and if anyone can do it, it's max verstappen."

max's gaze softened and he gave the girl a small smile that she reciprocated before kissing his lips and sending him off to the media pen.

"aunty ve!" a little voice caught verona's attention as she watched max walk off.

"baby p!" verona exclaimed as she picked up the little girl into her arms and hugged her. she mouthed a hello to penelope's mom, kelly piquet, who had arrived behind the little girl.

verona had known kelly since her first year in the modelling industry, the pair had worked together on some shows back in the day and became good friends. kelly had taken the young blonde under her wing in her younger years.

the models bonded over their love for formula one. kelly's father being the world champion, nelson piquet.

the piquet and verstappen families were old friends, in fact the first time max and verona had met was at a party at the piquet residence in 2019 that she attended with lando.

"hi kels." the blonde hugged the older woman with her free hand that didn't hold penelope to her hip "how's redbull hospitality treating you?"

after verona had refused max's offer to be redbull's guest for the weekend, max offered the badges to kelly and her daughter who were in town.

"it's always wonderful. poor max was so stress before the race but i think playing with p helped him." verona nodded and made a mental note to properly ask max how he was feeling afterwards.

the blonde smiled at the little girl in her arms before showering her with kisses inciting the sweetest giggles. she carefully placed penelope down before waving goodbye to the mother-daughter pair and heading towards the media pen.

verona stood a little away from where all the interviews were taking place, her eyes scanned all the faces until they locked with charles' who was smiling at her.

it wasn't long before the drivers were done for the day. charles had made a mental note, when he spotted verona, to invite her out to dinner with him and a few of the driver. the brunette started towards the blonde.

"ve," he called, "some of the drivers are going for dinner to a new restaurant. i wanted to ask if you would like to join us."

the actress' eyes softened, "i'd love-"

"what's going on here?" max interrupted standing beside his girlfriend.

"charles just invited me out to dinner with some of the other drivers," the brunette looked awkwardly at the dutchman, "but i was just about to decline cause we have date night."

charles' expression fell at her words, "date night?"

verona nodded and turned to max, "i'm taking you to your favourite restaurant so go ready changed."

max smiled widely at the blonde and kissed her quickly before waddling off to his driver room to change.

"i'm sorry i can't make it dinner, i just want to spend some time with max." verona explained when she noticed charles' frown, "you'll have me all day at the garage tomorrow, okay?"

charles nodded and verona placed her arm on his bicep squeezing it slightly with a smile before leaving.

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liked by maxverstappen and 7,057,622 others
verousseau date night 🤍

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user this is so cute 😭🥰

user best wag!!!!

user tbh i ship her more with charles 🫣

maxverstappen my love ❤️
verousseau love you 😘

i'm sorry for what i'm abt to do 🫣😬 ALSO HI IM BACK WITH PART 2 WOOOO!!! updates will be slow since my exams are abt to start and i'm focusing on studies but i'm back :)

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