010: sleep well

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— chapter ten

somewhere in italy

CHARLES' EYES WERE GLUED to the back of max's head. he was sat right at the back of the eight seater suv with pierre; max and verona sat in front of them, lando and carlos ahead of them and daniel and george right in the front.

currently, verona was sleeping with her head leaning on max's shoulder as she cuddled into his side.

charles knew max and verona were close; they had grown to become great friends over the months since max's first championship. verona had been there for the dutch driver when the whole world was telling him he didn't deserve his win.

however, he didn't realise they were this close.

verona held tightly to max's bicep and his hand held her thigh to prevent her legs from fall off the seats.

"are you trying to kill max with your non-existent eye lasers?" pierre whispered near the brunette's ear. "arrête de regarder."

"is there something going on between her and max?" charles kept his voice low not wanting anyone else to hear his conversation.

pierre rolled his eyes, "mate, you said you were over her."

"i am!" his words came out a little louder than he hoped, "i am."

pierre sighed, not fully convinced, "i don't know, and it shouldn't matter. you have a girlfriend."

pierre knew charles hadn't gotten over his feelings for verona, he'd liked her since they met, but at the time she was in a relationship. when verona and chase broke up, the ferrari driver felt he had a chance, but verona was in no hurry to get into a relationship. now, he was in a relationship.

pierre had been relived when charles first told him he was seeing someone. he hoped his best friend could finally move on and be happy with someone. but when he finally met lola, the frenchman was shocked.

everyone could agree that lola could be verona's doppelgänger, the physical similarities between the pair were uncanny. pierre feared his best friend was trying to replace verona, since he couldn't have her, with someone similar to her.

it was safe to say, he was worried.

verona shifted, her eyes fluttered open, her view was engulfed with a smiling max verstappen. verona's lips curved up into a dazed smile.

"sleep well?" verona nodded and removed her hands from where they held max's arm.

"oh, i'm sorry. i hope me sleeping wasn't too uncomfortable for you." the blonde, now awake, noticing how she had cuddled into the dutch man taking up all his space.

"it's fine, ronny. i actually liked it, you're cute when you're asleep." the blonde tried to hide a soft blush on her cheeks. she turned her head to face the back, her eyes met charles' and she gave him a sweet smile.

kinda shit 😭 oh and um we're not gonna talk abt the saudi gp hahahahahhaha. im definitely okay rn after last night... definitely 😀😀

𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐀, charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now