009: whiskey and hennessy

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— chapter nine

somewhere in italy

DANIEL PULLED OVER AT A GAS STATION, the seven men and one girl stumbling out of the car. the group had planned to make the whole 2 hour drive without any stops, but it soon became apparent that they couldn't sit the whole drive without a break.

"want to help me pick up some snacks?" charles poked the blonde in the arm to get her attention. she nodded and followed the ferrari driver into the small shop.

george, lando and carlos all entered behind heading straight for the ice cream and slushie machines at the back. their personal trainers would have several words for them if they could see the three boys, but what they didn't know couldn't hurt them.

charles and verona stopped at the chips aisle, "oh cheetos!" verona picked up the bag and popped it into the basket charles held.

"grab another, i love cheetos."

"i knew there was a reason why i liked you." the monegasque flashed her a smile and picked up some doritos to add to the basket.

the pair moved onto the drink aisle, verona snorted as her eyes stopped at the bottom row of drinks. she bent down and picked up a bottle of alcohol that was half empty.

"is that half empty?" charles stared in disbelief and laughed.

"yep." the blonde replied, "i can't imagine what that guy looked like walking out of here."

"i can't believe they got away with it!" verona turned to put the bottle back but charles stopped her, "wait wait. smile." he pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the girl.

"i'm sending this on the group."


[8 participants]
norrisio 4️⃣, sharles 🏎️, madmax 🔥, danny ric , carlitos 🕺, gasleak 🥐, georgie 🙈, ronny 👽

sharles 🏎️

whiskey and hennessy

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whiskey and hennessy

ronny 👽

carlitos 🕺
whiskey? i don't see any whiskey

madmax 🔥

ronny 👽
whiskey is my character in the new knives out movie

georgie 🙈

danny ric
absolutely not
danny ric
you're not getting in the car
danny ric
i'm not letting you throw up in our RENTAL

norrisio 4️⃣
thatd be hilarious

gasleak 🥐
no no no
gasleak 🥐
lando you can sit with her

ronny 👽
but pierre... i wanna sit with u 🥺

gasleak 🥐
get away

ronny 👽
hurting 😭😭

madmax 🔥
you can sit with me ron

ronny 👽
ily stappy <3

sharles 🏎️
i thought we were sitting together..

ronny 👽
someone's jealous 🙄

georgie 🙈
i still wanna know if you drank that

sharles 🏎️
she didn't
sharles 🏎️
we found the bottle half empty in the drinks aisle
sharles 🏎️
and i'm not jealous 😤😤 fine sit with verstappen

ronny 👽
sure you aren't 😑🙄
ronny 👽
we're coming! max save me a seat

madmax 🔥
already did

max ? 👀

𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐀, charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now