Death Game.

89 4 0

(Present Day)

Suddenly LLENN got out of the suitcase before firing at the first soldier and began running.

The rest of them aimed at her and fire, but she ran to the side and avoided the bullets before firing at another and killed him.

LLENN then got down and took cover beneath one of the corpses.

Suddenly, an arrow pierced one of the soldiers' neck and killed him.

Soldier5: Why you!

LLENN used that moment of distraction before getting in front of him and firing at his head and killed him.

LLENN: M! How many are in pursuit?

M: None. It seems they gave up and resigned.

LLENN: Then we... b-beat them?

M: That's right. Well done, you two.

Atreus then came out of a bush near her.

LLENN: We did it!

They said as they clapped their hands together.

After that, they reunited with M inside a house.

LLENN: Amazing! Why? How? What for?

M: What now?

LLENN: Your guidance up till now! That mazelike route!

Atreus: Are you also a trained soldier or something?

M: That's my unique player skill. Ever since I was a kid, I've had a good sense of geography. In reality or in games, I've never gotten lost. If I look at a map, I can draw it in my head, no matter what kind of place it is.

LLENN: I see! I got it! Your name, "M", stands for "map" or "mapper," right?

M: W-Well...

LLENN: That totally makes sense! It's kind of cool!

M: It's almost time.

He said as he took the Satellite Scan and they activated it.

Atreus: There are only three teams left.

LLENN: Amazing! We're guaranteed third place. A bronze metal!

M: Pito told me we have to win.

LLENN: I know, but...

M: One team is in the desert wasteland. They're over 5 km away.

Atreus: The other one is closer.

M: Even so, we would need to detour around a lake. I don't think we'd reach them within ten minutes. One hour from the start.

LLENN: What?

M: Nothing, sorry. Let's proceed along the waterfront.

LLENN and Atreus: Roger!

After that, they were now running on the shore of the lake.

M: The enemy! To the right!

He said as he and Atreus quickly layed down.

M: Get down!

LLENN also layed down and they saw Bullet Lines coming from the lake and multiple bullets were being fired at them as they missed.

LLENN: It hasn't even been five minutes. How is this possible, M.

M: They got hold of a vehicle.

LLENN: A vehicle?

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