Chapter Four

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At the London Eye

P.O.V. Liz

My only goal for riding the London Eye was to not let the boys know how much I was freaking out on the inside.

When we finally reached the front of the line Dan leaned over to my ear and whispered to me, "You look really pale are you okay?" I just nodded my head "yes" because I knew if I opened my mouth I would probably throw up.

But I don't think he believed me because he kept peeking over at me every few minutes. As we were walking onto the platform to get onto the London Eye Dan put his arm around me and gave me a look that said "I got you." Which in reality did make me feel a lot better. It made me feel protected and safe.

As the ride continued his arm started to fall a little from holding his arm up so long, so it eventually ended up on my waist.(Dirty minded people *shame*) So i started to freak out because he was going to feel the muffin top that I got when I wore these pants. I was mentally slapping myself for not wearing better clothes.

I started to think, "Why would it even matter what I would wear? No matter what I wore the Dan Howell would never find any kinda of interest in a girl like me. Like look at yourself, your fat, an ugly face, and you have all those ugly scars that you have littered all over skin. But you deserve all those scars for being a weak little bitch!"

Dan walked away so a few minutes to look at the view with Phil. As he did I began to pull on the long sleeve I was wearing as to hide my scars. Then I walked over to the boys to see what they were talking about.

P.O.V. Dan

Phil and I were at first admiring the view that we could see in the afternoon sun. But then Phil leaned over to me and asked me, "So Liz and you, Do you have a crush on her?" I started to blush a little, and Phil took the hint. He then asked me, "Do you want me to leave in a little bit to give you two a little time alone to see if there is something there."

Right after he asked that Liz shuffled over to us and she stood really close to me. But I knew it was just because she was scared so I put my arm around her shoulders in hopes that I could comfort her. She at first seemed to tense up a little but then she started to relax a little and lean into me which made me happy that I could help her.

Then she asked, "So boys what were we talking abut over here?"

Phil replied, "We were trying to decided where to go after this."

"Ya, we decided to take to a shake away! It is the best place in the world for a milk shake."

Phil then jumped in and said, "But I cant join in I have a lot of work to do. But Dan and you should go and have a good time on my behalf." He then pointed and me and said, "I expect you to bring a milkshake to me when you get. Or you will be walking back to Shake Away to get me one."

So I saluted him like he was giving me and order in the army. Which made Liz chuckle.

Right at that moment we got to the bottom and exited the London Eye. Phil went one way, Liz and I went another way. I was panicking a little but it wasn't until I calmed down a little that I noticed Liz was holding my hand. Which made me go into another little freak out.

P.O.V. Liz

I saw as we were walking to the Shake Away Dan seemed a little tense, so i just reacted without thinking and took hold of his hand, giving it a loving little squeeze.I just hope he doesn't think that i am creepy by doing this.

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