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Heloo audience welcome to my side project I have been working one for awhile as to prevent writers block on my other story. School and work make writing one of my few outlets, but also hard to do consistantly. So whithout further adue let's begin!

"I don't understand what the difference between nightmares and reality. Aren't they the same thing?" -Jack

(Jack's POV)

This shit is annoying. I have been going between worlds for years now. The god incharge of it called me too entertaining to let go. I have been revived into so many different worlds that at this point it's annoying. Don't get me wrong it was fun at first. Going to Pokemon, Fire emblem, and even a Certain magical Index. They were a blast to go in a meet the chracters, but always something was off. Certain characters were differen. A different personality traits or even back stories changed. It was annoying but still fun.

I recalled all of this as I looked around the current room I was in. There were some recording equipment and a computer set up for music mixing and gaming. Awesome I am an artist it seems. It would be a bit before all the memories of my life in this world become in cluttered. It's annoying but I'd rather be disoriented than die from brain overload. I left the room after changing into a uniform laying on the chair by the desk. Exiting into the main area of my apartment showed that it was just a simple American style kitchen and living room. Nothing too fancy thank god. I always hated fancy shit. Hell I was barely tolerating this uniform.

After grabbing a bowl of cereal I headed into the bathroom to see what I looked like. It was interesting. Cant remember the last time I had black hair. It was unruly and kinda long. I felt emo with it this long but oh well. My electric blue right eye and red left would probably get more attention though. I wasn't ugly or extremely handsome but decently attractive and definitely American. I would say European but my mind told me otherwise on instinct. I left the bathroom after a few minutes and grabbed the book bag and headed out the door. I knew I had school and that it would start soon.

During my time walking I noticed others in similar uniforms and followed them. Directions without prior memories were a pain in my ass. However, these very scantily clad female uniforms seemed familiar.... very familiar. Fucking memories were still too muffled to make out why though. Whatever the school is right here so I guess I'll just got to class.

Is this a fucking joke? The damn back row by the window? And a cute blonde girl with green eyes in front of me. Sigh. Fuck it. I stayed quiet as I sat down, leaned on my hand and recalled the murders about me. I had drawn two conclusions about myself. One I was called the American by everyone here. I have a name you damn third strings....fuck Accelerator rubbed off too much. Secondly I was not much of a talker. I also pieced together that some dude who was a freshman in the college division was the shit at this school. The guys all respected and feared him and the girls wanted to fuck him. Jesus it screams first boss. I suddenly felt a book strike my head. I'm going to kill someone.

???: Mr. Frost! I expect you to pay attention to my lessons! You may be quiet but that doesn't mean you can slack off!!

I was annoyed. This bitch threw a book just for that?

Jack: Okay listen here you damn slut. It's not my fault your husband left you for a younger woman because your pussy was old a crusty. So stop throwing ducking books when you want my attention. Instead act like a fucking adult and call my name out. Hell you may be surprised because unlike your husband I'll actually look your direction.

Silence. The entire class stared at me with wide eyes. My memories were clearing so I know for a fact now that I almost never spoke and always just seemed indifferent about everything. My current comment was completely out of character and had caused everyone minus my teacher to stare. She was currently crying. Fucking bitch.

Peaceful is boring (Highschool DxD x male OC)Where stories live. Discover now