Chapter 7

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Dust felt weirdly warm. He thought he would've died. Dust opened his eye. He was in some room. He had bandage wrap all over his injuries. Dust pushed himself up and looked around. There was a small plate of chocolate chip cookies on a bedside table. Dust cautiously picked up a cookie and took a bite. It was soft. He liked soft cookies. He happily chomped down the rest of the cookies, but now he was thirsty. Dust carefully stepped off the bed and slipped on his slippers. Dust carefully made his way out of the room and entered into a highway. There was a plant and mirror on one end and two doors on either side leading down to a living round. "Good morning Dust." Cross greeted when Dust entered the living room. "Why the fuck is your couch green?" Dust asked. "It's not green; it's asparagus." Cross shrugged. "That's even worse. Change it." Dust said. "Why would I change it? It made you talk." Cross said smugly. Dust scoffed and rolled his eye. "Thirsty?" Cross asked. Dust nodded and Cross stood up and left the room. Dust stared at the ugly couch. It would look much better with a giant gash in the center and a few blood stains. Cross came back with a glass if water and handed it to Dust. Dust drank it all with one sip. "How did you know I was thirsty?" Dust asked suspiciously. "I gave you a plate of cookies, no one can resist eating cookies, so you would become thirsty and leave the room and come out here." Cross said. Dust hummed. "Maybe you're a bit more clever than you look." Dust said. Cross smirked. "Don't get too cocky. I still think you're a fucking moron." Dust hissed. Cross shrugged and leaned back on the couch. "Dream is sorry, by the way." Cross said. "Sorry doesn't fix shit." Dust growled. "I know, but he does really feel bad." Cross said. "I hope he does." Dust hissed. "But what about Blue? He's the one who dragged me into the woods and ruined my nice clothes." Dust asked. "Eh. He's a bit more stubborn. Once he has an opinion, it's really hard to change his mind." Cross shrugged. Dust let out a low growl. "Hey, I'm going to the store today. Is there anything you want. Food or anything else?" Cross asked. "Books I guess." Dust shrugged. "Alright." Cross said, before heading to the door and leaving. Now Dust was alone in the house. The place was kinda dirty, so he started cleaning. Dust found cleaning to be a soothing activity. Whenever he was left alone in the castle, he would clean. The castle was super dusty and gross when Dust first moved in, but he made the place look brand new. He was feeling less injured today. Dust spotted his axe resting against the ugly couch and grabbed it. "I'm going to have to wash you later. That couch has put it's ugly germs on you." Dust said before bringing the axe to his room. Yes, his room. He claimed it. It's his room now. He will kill anyone who tries to take it. Since it is his room now, he had to rearrange it to his liking. Dust pushed to bed to the corner so you can't see it when you first walk in. He put the bedside table at the foot of the bed. He moved the rug to the center and moved the dresser closer to the closet. He wasn't sure how he was moving all this stuff, maybe he was stronger than he thought. After Dust finished moving anything, he curled up on his bed and closed his eye. Soon he drifted off to sleep.

When Dust woke up, he noticed a note on the bedside table, along with a stack of books. Dust picked of the note, the hand writing was slightly sloppy.

Hello Dust! Thanks for reading this note. I didn't know what kind of books you wanted, so I grabbed one from each section. Also I bought more food so help yourself to whatever you want, make yourself at home. I also see that you cleaned the house and rearranged your room. You did a great job! The only thing I have issue with it the giant hole you tore in my couch, this couch was a gift from a friend. So I'm going to have to go out and get a new couch, so be good while I'm gone. -Cross

Dust smirked to himself. This ugly couch got what it deserved. Dust grabbed the stack of books and put them on his bed. Dust stood up and left the room, heading for the kitchen. Cross said to make himself at home, so that's exactly what he'll do. Dust opened the fridge and grabbed himself a chocolate bar. He brought the chocolate bar into his room and put it under his pillow. He wasn't hungry at that very moment, but he did have food now for when he was hungry later. Dust made himself a little bed nest and started reading the first book on the top of the stack.

Cross sighed. When I said "make yourself at home" I didn't mean eat all my chocolate. But that didn't matter. Dust was eating and that was great. There was a knock at the door and Cross immediately knew who it was. "Hey Dream." Cross said after opening the door. "How's Dust?" Dream asked nervously. "He's pretty much taken over my entire house." Cross sighed. "How did he do that?" Dream asked. "I left for like 30 minutes and when I came back he had destroyed my couch, cleaned the house, and completely rearranged the guest room." Cross answered. "So he's doing better?" Dream asked. "Yep." Cross said. "That's good. I was worried he wouldn't make it." Dream looked at the ground. "He also hasn't threatened to kill me yet, so I think he's warming up to me." Cross said. Dream let out a small laugh and smiled.

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