6: Young love

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We're walking through Lewis' brothers greenhouse thing carrying boxes and Eliot is in-front of me, Emma and Rikki "this place is cool." Eliot says as we continue walking getting hit with leafs every so often well more like every step we take it's also super easy to get lost in here "Lewis? Where are you?" Emma calls out I look around and I don't see Eliot then I hear Emma gasp I turn to see a boy maybe a year older than us I'm assuming Lewis' brother "you're Emma and you're Alia?" He asks and I nod "this way." He says and we follow him "this way, Rikki." I say and we walk through the plants seeing Lewis fixing something "your friends are here." Lewis' brother says and Lewis turns around see us "guys, great. You got the stuff." Lewis says happily "yes, I hope you guys pay us for all this, Lewis." Rikki says as we set the boxes of things down "only with my firm friendship." Lewis says sarcastically "aww man I was hoping for a hug." I joke "is this going to work, Lewis?" His brother asks from behind us "sure it is, Lenny, of course." Louis says "this is Lenny?" Emma asks motioning to the tall boy behind us "oh, what, you haven't met?" Lewis asks "oh, Lenny, the guys. The guys, Lenny, my brother, second oldest." Lewis introduces us and we wave "how many brothers have you got?" Rikki asks "four. But the only one who would own a plant nursery." Lewis says "and the only one who would hire Lewis to fix a watering system." Lenny says "hey, you're getting a good deal here, Lenny." Lewis says offended as me and the girls look up at the mention of water we see sprinklers "the whole cross-sector irrigation system will be completely automated and far superior to that ancient sprinkler system up there." Lewis defends "ok, well, um, seems like you two have a lot to talk about so we'll be head off." Emma makes an excuse and I nod and Lenny moves a little so we can pass and give him a nod goodbye Same with Lewis and I walk off following my twin sister "Elliot. Where are you?" Rikki calls out and then Elliot comes out of the cover of the plants "you could hide here forever." Elliot says "maybe you should." Rikki says "come on elliot we've got to get you to surfing practice." Emma says pushing her younger brothers shoulders as we walk we near the exit when Rikki stops us "whoa, wait a minute. Did you say surfing?" Rikki asks stopping us "yeah, Byron's teaching him. He's doing really well." Emma says happily before going to walk away "that's great. But, um, aren't you forgetting something?" Rikki asks grabbing our blonde friends arm pulling her back "relax. Im not going near the water. Neither is he." Emma says walking off "better luck next time rik." I say as we walk together.

We go to the beach with Emma for Eliots Surfing lessons Emma sitting down as Rikki takes her cover up off I'm in jeans a black mesh top I don't have a bikini I'm mainly just here cause I don't have anything else to do I sit next to Emma on a towel she had brought for me "the first few lessons are on the sand, no chance of getting wet." Emma informs Rikki and me and I nod "revolting. Hey, Emma, the clean up at the beach rally is starting. Are you going to come?" Byron asks as he picks up a plastic bag "oh, I forgot. Wait a sec." Emma says as she turns to me and Rikki and Byron walks toward Elliot "can you do me a really big favour?" Emma asks us then my phone buzz's I unlock it looking at the message as Emma speaks:

                  Dylan :0:
Dylan :0:
Hey Le-le Thank you again for the other night x
Yeah it's no problem I mean I did owe you for saving me from Zane x
Dylan :0:
Somehow I feel like you didn't owe me that much x
It's no biggie x
Dylan :0:
How about you meet me at the juice-net I'll buy you a thank you drink x
Fuck yeah free drink I'm on my way x
Dylan :0:
Alright x
Be there in like 5 x

I look back up "will you?" Emma asks me "Will I what?" I ask "help Rikki look after Eliot?" She asks me and I shake my head "no can do I have to go collect my free drink from Dylan." I say and Rikki looks at me begging me to stay "free drink? Why are you hanging out with him anyways I thought you hated him." Em says "his getting better plus I did him a favour he said he wanted to thank me." I say and Emma nods "okay." She says "thanks appreciate it." Emma says to Rikki as she stands up I stand up too "love you mean it." I say to Rikki "hate you kidding." Rikki replies "bye em." I say as I walk in the other direction to the juice-net "bye Lia." Emma says.

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