Prologue: Welcome to the Villains world. Part 10

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Y/N Pov

I woke up much earlier than grim and spoon. I moved spoon out of the way so then I can get ready for the day. Before I left the room, I gave her some forehead kisses, and then I left. My back was hurting badly. My wings were practically begging to be free. I walk into the bathroom to take my wings out. I feel so relieved i stretched them out, and then i out ny dress back on i left them out for the day just to relax i started to walke downstairs, I walked outside the dorm. The moon was still out. It looks so beautiful. I walk around for a few minutes before going back inside. I checked my list.

I need to make money fast or else...

I am so worried for them. Yeah, I just met grim but ge still a person he has feelings. And a spoon, I will make sure she has a good time here. I love her so much. I think she and my mom are the only people I will say that to. Well, I think...

Every step I take, each step would squeak. I hear one of the ghosts talking to grim, but as I walk closer, the better I hear them speak.

Hee hee hee... Aren't you supposed to be off cleaning the school today? and where is your friend? the ghost said while grim rolling around in bed, moving the covers over his head. Go ahead, sleep the day away. And you might not ever hafta wake up again. the other ghost said to grim. as I walked closer, I heard them laugh, and then Grim screamed. Y/N, where are you?! he said, sounding a little bit scared. I am right here. I said, fully standing in the door way. Come on, we need to fight these guys! Grim said eagerly. well, I am not in the mood, so, no.

So I hear you both will be living here from now on. Ha, this will be so fun, I hope you like pranks as much as we do! Ha ha ha! The ghost said while slowly disappearing. We have to get rid of those things for good! grim said. then someone came into the room

Good morning, Yu. Did you sleep well? it was Mr. Crowley. First, please knock on the door. What happens if I am changing? I warned him it was quite rude of him. Oh yes, I am sorry. I will make sure to do that next time. he said.

grim started to complain about how he slept. Mr.crowly I slept ok not good nor bad. Well, I am delighted to hear that you've adjusted quite well to being here for a day. Now, let us discuss your assignment for today.

Your job today is to clean the campus. That said, the campus is vast it's quite a Herculean task to do. Therefore, today, I'll have you focus on the area spanning from the gates to the library. I look over to see grim with a bored look on his face, and then I look back at Mr. C

Now, Y/N, I do expect that you'll keep a close eye on Grim, lest he causes another incident like yesterday. Understood. Do not fail me. You may take your lunch in the cafeteria. I eagerly await the fruits of your labor.

I Ain't cleanin' nothin'! I started to zone out while I gave the spoon one last kiss on the head as we walked out the door. I started to walk outside, heading to the front gate, and he was still ranting about how he was the most powerful mage. yeah, in your dreams, buddy.

This dress is going to be a problem with my cleaning, but I will get the job done. we finally made it to the front gate. As we entered, we walked onto the main street, our first cleaning spot.

Wow, so this is the Main Street, huh? This is incredible! grim started to rant on more and more, but I went into work mode. There was a supply closet nearby, and Mr. C gave me the keys. I grabbed bucket, feather duster, and a rag. I filled the bucket with water and added a cleaning solution. dipping the rag in the soppy water, I started to scrub the statues. I was cleaning the Queen of Hearts.

I heard a new voice behind me. You don't know the Queen of Heats? I turned around to see where this new voice came from. it was a boy. he looked young he had red hair and red eyes, but on top of one of his eyes was a heart tattoo he wore what looked to be a uniform of one of the dorms.

Queen of hearts? Grim asked Is she some kinda big deal? She was a queen who lived in a mazelike garden of roses long, long ago Grim. I explained grim as his face was plastered with confusion. Hey, I did not see you there. the boy said Oh my apologies, good day. I said with a crusty, and then I turned by back and continued to clean. Wow, you did not need to do that, hehe. he walks closer to my view, so why are you here cleaning the statues? you don't look like a person that should~ What? I don't know if this is flirting, but I think he is doing an ok job, but I have no clue. thank you for your concern, but this is none of your business. Hey, come on, you can tell me! he begged. I hardly talked to males in general. I only had two male friends. They were knight in training, and they were sweet. but they both where sent to a school far away. kinda similar to this school. but we send letters to each other. I do miss them. my wings fluttered under my dress, which normally happens when I am happy. I don't even know your name. The name's Ace. I'm a first-year student here, as! pleased to meetcha! What's yours? he sounded happy while saying that. I lifted my dress so then I could do another bow to him. My name is Y/N, now let me work. Please.
Paciencia y fe.

Grim started to ask more questions about the statues, and he answered them. I went to the shed to see if they had broom. So I can dust the streets. Ay mamá I wish you were here with me.

Ace Pov

I don't know what this thing is, but he keeps asking me questions on the great 7. I just finished explaining the queen of heart. He would always brag about how he was better than everyone else, yeah ok buddy. but that person was sure a beauty like a rose well on the outside, but she sarp on the inside. get a grip on your self man I am not that type of person, and I will never be. I can't believe I am thinking about a girl who is right behind me. This cat is getting on my nerves, I really don't like this guy. After he was done talking, I turned around to see her, so why are you here cleaning the statues? you don't look like a person that should~ god what the fuck did I just say! Oh they are going to think I am a freak or a pervert! She turned to look at me thank you for your concern but this is none of your business. She turned her back towards me a continue cleaning Her words sound sharp just like a rose thorn. Hey come on you can tell me! I replied quickly I really wish we can be friends. I don't even know your name. She said fully looking at me. The name's Ace. I'm a first-year student here, as! pleased to meetcha! What's yours? I asked them. My name is My name is Y/N, now let me work. Please. Paciencia y fe. She said as she walked off what look to be a cleaning shead. I don't know what that last part was, but It sounded pretty, well she makes it sound beau- I am such a simp. I started to get annoyed with this cat. He asked more and more about the statues and he is being such a dick. He think he is so high and mighty.
I was finished explaining the thorn Fairy to him I saw he had a cocky grim on his face. Ooh, a dragon! What all monsters yearn to be!

Pretty cool, huh?

Unlike some piddling weasel cat.

This might be one of the longest chapters I ever made!

Love Alice

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