Welcome to the Villains world. Part 11

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Ace Pov

I watched this cat freak out and get so angry. It was funny. Ah ha ha! I can't hold it back anymore. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! Come on. You're the one who turned orientation into such a fiasco, right? he looked so pissed as I said that, but it was true, and it was so funny when he had to be dragged out of the building. And Y/N was the one summoned by the dark mirror, and YOU, the monster no one summoned at all. it took everythingggg I had not to burst into laughter in the middle of the ceremony! I thought about the ceremony again and how this ugly cat trashed the place and got what he deserved. H-hey! you don't gotta be a jerk about it! the cat spoke to me like he was more powerful than me, which I ignored. So, in the end, you and Y/N got admitted, and now you're janitors. AH HA HA! SO lame! I felt a bit bad about laughing about Y/N, but this cat is so easy to annoy, and it is just sooooo funny!

What did you just call me?! this cat is so funny when he is mad. You don't even know who the great seven are. not one of them. you are so clueless. maybe before you try getting into the academy again, you ought to take a second crack at kindergarten. Ah Ha Ha Ha!! As I was laughing, I heard him growl or something like that. His face was all wrinkled up from anger. Anyway, I just thought I'd tease you a bit. And man, I am glad I did. this has been a blast, but unlike you, I actually have classes to get to, so I'll let you get back to picking up trash. Bye~

As I was walking away, I thought about Y/N and how I wanted to be friends with her, but not that ugly mole cat. at least they sound and look interesting. Hmm, maybe I can ask for their number. Who knows, but I will find them cleaning around the school. what class do I have... OH yeah, I have poti-  Myuh-uh! you ain't walkin' away from me! it's too late for that!! MYAAAAAH! the whole place was filled with fire and smoke. No one makes fun of Grim, master of fire! I'm gonna make that explodey-head of yours explode all over again! This cat doesn't stop...

Explodey--head?! YOU wanna throw down with ME? Ha shorty you have some guts. Do you wanna talk hair, huh? I'm gonna shave you like a toy poodle! grim blasted more fire at Ace. Oh-ho, how do you like this? I used my wind magic to blow off his fireballs. students started to gather around to see what was happening. One after another, they piled up like mice. Awww... can't hit me with your little fireballs? grim was heated, or
you could say overheated. GRRR!!!

Y/N pov

I was in the garden shed looking for a cleaning solution for the statues. I took this time to think about my friend. I miss them. I wonder if this is the school they were talking about. I mean, it all checks out the statues, the mirror, the garden, and the big library. I just hope I can see them again. I think there are my only friends. I heard some noises coming out of the shed.... loud noises. oh no, that is not good.

I exited the shed to see them fighting. There was fire and ash was all over the place. HEY! Stop! I tried to pull them away, but Grim burned my arm with his fire. yes, it hurt, but I need to stop them. If I don't, I don't know what Mr. Crowly will do. I went to Ace and pushed him away, but he blew some ash on the queen of hearts. the crowd surrounding us went quiet. OH NO! Now the Queen of Hearts statue looks like it's been flame-broiled! ace said, now realizing what a mess he made of himself while Grim and Ace were fighting. I turned to see Mr.Crowley.

WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? Cease this at once!

sorry for not updating. :(
but i been thinking of doing a spider man across the spider verse book...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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