Prologue: Welcome to the Villains world. Part 5

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key words - F/S = Foot size

the rain felt so nice on my skin. I decide to walk around just to clear my head just a little bit more. as I walk I come across a store called Mr. S's Mystery Shops. I mean it was raining and maybe they have food or that tuna grim likes. so I walk in.

Ooo So cool! I started to look around this store trying to find the owner of this cute little shop. but while I was I turned my head and found my point shoes! Hey Hey! how can I help you? a guy with a purplish suit. oh um hello! couldyouseeifyouhavethoseshoesinmysize? huh, what did you say? the worker said, Oh, could you see if you have these point shoes in my size? for sure! but why would you want heavy shoes when you can see light as a feather? he offered me a different type of shoe but I stayed put no thank you but I would like those shoes, please! Okk you got it! before I go what is your size? oh, I am f/s! before you go do you sell tuna? yes, we do! there over there. he said and then pointed to the food aisle before going to the back and bringing the shoes. Thankfully spoon was still sleeping in my apron she is so cute!! next to the sleeping spoon was my wallet the only thing I carry on me. I grab the can of tuna after searching for felt like hours and some soup for spoon. she goes bad shit crazy for soup so it is only right after this whole day to get something for her.

I held on to the items and went to the front to see where the guy went. Hello, miss, I have found your shoes little imps! he popped up behind me making me giggle because it was funny well to me it was. thank you um what is your name sir? oh yes my name is Sam! and for you? oh, my name is Y/N. a pretty name. he shined a smile towards me as I put the stuff on the counter is that everything? he asks yes it is. Oh, and before you pay I will give you an umbrella it pouring cats and dogs out there! Thank you very much after that I paid for my stuff.

Going back to the dorm was a nice walk and because it was so dark out no one was out which I like. as I open the door to the dorm I saw grim. he look like he saw a ghost. Where were you!! he screamed almost blasting my eardrums out. Oh, I got you food. as an apology gift and to start over. Ok! just give me the tuna! grim said as he made a grabby hand towards the can I gave it to him and he had trouble opening the can so I did it for him as he was eating I went to look for a broom so I can sweep up the place. my long white dress still following me but it is no longer white mud coved the bottom of the dress but I am not complaining. with a wave of my hand, it was dry. I found the closet but before I could grab the broom I heard some muffled sounds that dose not sound like grim. I turned my head and I see....

AHHH!!! oh my you startled me! Yee hee hee... Bwa ha ha ha ha. we haven't had visitors in ages! one of the ghost said oh, I'm just itchin for new friends said the cubby one. why hello there how are you on this fine lovely day i said with a smile OH MY MOON this is my first experience with paranormal activity! i knew they existed!! Hey, keep it down over- AAAAH GHOSTS! GHOOOOSTS! grim scream as one he saw the ghost then cling on to me. All the people who use ta live here got scared of us and ran away. ghost b explain we just want a new ghost to play with! what do you say, buddy? ghost c said. i say that was a very rude threat. i feel grim shiver next to me Eeeeep! i'm a master sorcerer! i ain't afraid of any dumb ghosts! Myahaa! he summoned some flames to try to scare of the ghost.

Nuh-uh. not even close said ghost a and then they begin to taunting us they keep disappearing and repapering! grim i think you should open your eyes before you set are shelter on fire. I said calmly trying to calm the cat Shut up! I don't need any lip from you! you know maybe headmage will let you enroll if you get rid of them? Myah....?! hmph .... I'm Grim, master sorcerer how come i can't even hit one of these little- the ghost cackled not even letting him finsh what he was saying there ganging up on us... yer a bunch a cowards! how about i help you grim? i ask him Myaaaah... you, you tell me which way the ghosts are! oh there to your left! i said. he got a perfect hit in the ghost Ha, got one! Keep it up, just like that... And let's clear out the whole lot of 'em ok you got it!

Alice ♡

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