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hope y'all still like me after this🫣

june 1st

reese laid in her bed in a light t-shirt and shorts as the blazing summer sun set her room on fire.

she got up out of her bed before turning up the ac. she laid in her bed as she smiled at kay's text.

i miss u beautiful

once shiloh started getting better and reese realized that they were too close, she took her distance. she honed in on finishing school, growing her relationship, and putting herself first.

of course she still cared for shiloh and would have her dad or grandma check up on him. she made sure gma rose made he plenty of food for him to eat so he didn't go back to eating out everyday. she made sure her dad made him feel like a son; loved. she didn't want him to spiral into a space where he had to use hard drugs to cope.

she loved him but realized it was inappropriate as she was in a relationship and she had to put herself first.

she waited for kay to text back as she cleaned up her room with jeremiah blasting on the speakers.

she cleaned for a few hours as she thought about small things to pass time. her senior year, what she wanted kay to bring her for lunch, being a mom. as she thought about much, the girl's boyfriend never texted back. it wasn't until reese got a call from dougie.

"yo" dougie called out

"hello?" reese answered back

"uhh kay got locked" dougie said before taking a deep breathe

"what?" reese asked wondering if she heard what he said correctly

"kay got booked. he's in holding rn but i think they takin him to rikers" dougie added

"well what is he in there for? what did he do?" reese asked, taking a seat on her bed and running her hands through her hair.

"murder" dougie simply said

"what? dougie oh my god?" reese questioned, "just tell him to say he was with me!" reese tried to patch the conversation up

"shhh ree. shit might be tapped can't say shit like that ova the phone" dougie shushed, "i'll pull up on you lata. we could call him" dougie assuaged.

"okay. i guess" reese bleakly responded, she didn't know what to say. it seemed like bad things always happened to her. no matter how much right she tried to do trouble found her.

reese hung up the phone before staring at her wall. she had no more tears left to cry. she couldn't cry she had to be strong; for herself.

she knew kay was a crash out and something like this would happen. she knew he was crazy and she was never scared he would lose his life when he stepped outside but that he would take one; he did. reese thought blankly some more before decided to call shiloh.

the phone rung a couple times before it picked up and she heard his voice.

"what's wrong?"

"how'd you know something was wrong?" she asked

"because you neva call anymore" he said in a bored tone

reese felt her heart tinge before she responded, "kay's in jail"

"tsss" she heard shiloh express, "i knew that shit was gon happen eventually. what he in there fa?"

"murder, but i told him to say he was just with me" reese played with her fingernails

"reese's don't involve ya self in this dumb shit. that boy did this himself. youn needa be in the middle" shiloh stated starting to get upset at the thought of reese's name in a police report.

"i just don't want him to get in trouble" reese started to sob uncontrollably. she was overwhelmed with emotions. at 17 years old she was realizing she didn't know how to take care of everybody; she couldn't take care of everybody

"reese i don't know what you got going on but you needa think straight"

"okay" she said before taking a breath and wiping her tears

"youn need ta be involved. these lil niggas he been beefin wit already been disrespectful towards you. ion want you in anything else that has to do with him. this ain't the life for you reeses" he was being completely honest. reese was a pretty, rich girl from manhattan she didn't need to the motive of her boyfriends murder case.

"okay" she said again wiping the endless tears

"i gotta talk ta you lata. ima hit you. reese don't do no stupid shit"

"i won't"

"i love you. bye" shiloh hung up the phone

she was so lost. so confused. she paced her room. laid in her bed. tried to watch shows to get it off her mind but all she could think about was her boyfriend in a holding cell.
june 1st


reese through on a zip up before slipping on her yeezy slides and trotting out the door. it was 10pm and she had been waiting on dougie all day.

she spotted the jeep before hopping in and closing the door.

"you straight?" dougie asked reese looking at ther tear stained face.

"i'm fine" reese said not caring about anything he was talking about. "i just need to speak to him" she got out quietly

"aight" just as the word left his mouth, he had an incoming call.

"call collected-" the phone said before a beep was heard

"yo. she right next to me"

"wassup ree?" dougie handed the phone to reese

"kay what did you do?" reese almost whispered into the phone

"i got into some shit ma. if i'm being honest they ain't tryna hear dat bail shit" kay relayed as reese's heart dropped. the realization sunk as she realized she was never going to see her boyfriend again. all the months she took to love him and get to know him, he was gone.

"aye, you got me on speaker?" asked

"yeah" she replied biting her fingers.

"take me off. step out da car"

reese followed his directions before walking ways from the car and sitting on the curb. she was so defeated.

"what's on your mind ree?" he asked after a minute of silence.

"what we're gonna do about us" she replied

"reese. if im keeping it a buck you not nobody jail wife. ion wanna see you do dat or have to" he started breaking reese's heart. "you not dat typa girl and ion wanna do dat to you" he said

"are you breaking up with me?" reese asked as she stared at her feet.

"sum like dat. as soon as i'm out dis jam we back on" reese giggled a little at that before sitting.

"i understand kay" she said as she hung up the phone and walked back to dougie's car. she handed him his phone back. "thank you dougie. you've been a big help" she turned and walked back into her house.

authors note:
spring break☺️☺️. so excited to go home. i'm also going to aspen to ski. here's another drana filled chapter. some may be left unhappy

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