Part 3

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The doctor was checking V as Tae and jk were sitting on the bed near him waiting for the doctor to be done ...

Tae was worried for his hyung soo much jk sensed it as he ruffled his hair softly ...soon the doctor was done

Doc" he had really hight fever..we have to get it down as soon as possible or it will get do this I have to give him two injections
V" w-what..t-two
Jk" u can prepare them doc

The doctor nodded as went to his bag and began to prepare the injections

V" a-appa
Jk" shh don't worry...u will be fine I promise
V" but I-it will h-hurt
Tae" appa don't make doctor uncle give hyung will hurt him please appa

Jk and v smiles softly at Tae being worried about his hyung

Jk" baby these injections will make it hyungie better...he has to take them to make pain go away...u don't want ur hyungie in pain right
Tae" but it will hurt him
Jk" just for few seconds baby and then he will be fine...ur hyung is strong after all
Tae" yes..hyungie is strong like appa...

The doctor soon finished preparing the injections and sat down on the bed again

Tae went to his hyung and hugged him who smiles and hugged him back

Doc" u wanna take it on ur arm or b-...
V" Arm!!...on my arm please

The doctor and jk chucked at v flustered face and Tae was confused on what's happening

The doctor pulled v slaves up and held a cotton with alcohol and rubbed it on v arm who flinched from the sudden cold touch on his skin

Doc" calm dome will be over in few seconds
V" hmm -deep breath-
Tae" don't worry hyungie...Tae Tae will stay with u
V" thank u bab- a-ahh!!

V whimpered in pain as the doctor inserted the needle in 

V" a-ahh I-it hurts -teary eyes-
Jk" a little more baby...
V" I-it's h-hurt ..A-AHH S-STOP IT HURTS!!

V screamed and began crying as the doctor started injecting the medicine in and because it was heavy dose

(Please I m really sorry if this was wrong I don't know anything about injection and doctors things)

Tae" h-hyungie don't cry...please
V" p-pull it out p-please

The doctor pulled the needle out as he was done injecting the medicine...and began preparing the second one

V" a-appa no more p-please
Jk" baby tiger one more please....I know it hurts but it's to make u feel better...don't worry...this is the last one
V" b-but appa I-it's hurting
Jk" don't cry tiger....promise u will be fine...just take this one and no more for u okey baby

Jk said and v hesitantly nodded ...when the doctor finished preparing he again posited the needle in v arm

Jk" u can doc

Jk said as he too hugged v from the side as the doc nodded and slowly began Inserting the needle

Tae" h-hyungie  -teary eyes-
Jk" a little more tiger ur doing great job...what a good boy look we are done just a little's okey..

Jk kept whispering comforting words to v as it worked v calmed down a bit but keeps the doctors was done he pulled out the needle and cleaned the spot where he injected and put a plaster on it

Doc" good job kid...what a good boy u jeon..can I have a word
Jk" of course doc

Jk said as he gave v a peck on his forehead and ruffles Tae hair before went out with the doctor

Tae" u okey h-hyungie
V" y-yes baby...h-hyungie is alright

V said as he wipes Tae tears away and kisses his forehead who giggled

With Jk & Doctor

Jk" what is it doc
Doc" mr jeon..I gave him two injections and it will bring his fever down but he still doesn't have to move too much ..u know his body is a little weak..make him eat healthy food to heal faster and mostly soup
Jk" how long will he take to recover fully ..and why did he get sick in first place
Doc" did he went out today
Jk" yeah we just came back like an hour ago
Doc" the weather is cold outside and maybe that's why he got sick..,but dont worry...he will be fine in two days...just take care of him...and call me if anything happened
Jk" of course doc..thank u soo much
Doc" my pleasure ..goodbye mr jeon

Said the doctor as he went out and jk closed the door and went upstairs to check on the twins

Tae" hyungie I m sorry
V" w-why are u sorry baby
Tae" u got sick because of me..if I didn't suggested to go out u wouldn't've been sick now
V" baby it's not ur fault..
Tae" No it's my fault...I was nagging to go out even after knowing it was cold outside I m bad
V" don't u dare to say that again jeon taehyung...i Said it's not ur fault u

At this time the door opened as jk came in..he closes the door and sat on the bed

Jk" why is my bear pouting hmm
Tae" because hyung got sick because of me
Jk" baby it's not ur fault u didn't knew this would hapen...don't say like this again okey
Tae" hmm -nod-
V" good boy...
Jk" how are u my ur arm still hurting
V" no's fine now
Jk" good...I will take a leave for u for 2 days from college to rest
V" why 2 days appa
Jk" that's better...I want u to recover fully -smile- and now since u didn't eat anything I will make a soup for u
V" appa I m not hungry
Jk" I wasn't asking tiger

Tae giggles as v pouted at this...jk smiled and went out to make soup for his baby tiger

Tae" hyungie u should eat u didn't eat much today...ur being a bad boy
V" ur calling me a bad boy huh...come here u naughty bear

V took Tae in his arms and started ticking him who started laughing

Tae" n-no I m s-sorry
V" who is bad boy now huh
Tae" n-not u h-hyungie
V" what I didn't hear u
Tae" n-not you..y-yaa hyungie s-stop

V stopped when he saw the other running out of breath...

V" I will let it slide this time
Tae" hmpf -pouts- meanie


Hope u like this chapter 😊
And I really appreciate ur sweet comments thank u all soo much this really means a lot to me ♥️

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