Part 7

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The beautiful day starts with outrage two naughty babies in the leaving room bickering about something

Tae" hyungie Pwease Pwease nah
V" why u want it soo bad
Tae" hyung please nah -whines-

Why is my baby whining hmm?

Tae and V looked toward the stairs to see jk coming down toward them

He came and sat next to the twins on the couch

Tae" appa hyung is refusing to tell me stories about u eumma and him
V" I didn't refuse I just asked why he wanted to hear it soo bad
Tae" can't I
Jk" of course u can baby...they is actually a lot I can tell u about ur eumma
Tae" really...then tell me appa

Tae said and went and sat on jk lap looking at him work doe eyes and jk chuckled

Jk" ok one day....


2 years old V and Jk were in the leaving room and V is nagging his appa to take him out to eat ice cream

V" appa Pwease let's go out and eat ice cream Pwease
Jk" V stop nagging on ur appa nah...go and play with something baby
V" but I want ice cream
Jk" no ice cream for u today
V" b-but I want I-ice c-cweam

V said his eyes getting teary...and he started crying softly...jk sighed and took him in his lap

Who made my baby cry

Jk froze on his place when he heard his wife's voice...he knows how much she loved V and if she knew he made him cry he will be dead

He looked at front and saw his wife coming downstairs toward them

Jeon jisoo Jk wife'sA secretary in jeon industry Cold , scary, sweet, caring, strict, soft for her baby, possessive, overprotective, the best mother ever Will punish V if he did mistake or crossed his limits

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Jeon jisoo
Jk wife's
A secretary in jeon industry
Cold , scary, sweet, caring, strict, soft for her baby, possessive, overprotective, the best mother ever
Will punish V if he did mistake or crossed his limits

Jk" oh baby ur here
Jisoo" I asked something jeon jungkook
Jk" baby a-actual-....
V" e-eumma

V said and went down from Jk lap and ran toward jisoo hugging her legs crying...jisoo kneeled down and wiped his tears away...

Jisoo" why is my cute baby crying hmm
V" I w-want ice c-cweam bwut a-appa said n-no ..h-hesh mweanie e-eumma
Jisoo" aigo my cute baby...Is that why ur crying

Jisoo said and V nodded with teary eyes..jisoo smiled and picked V up standing up...and turned to jk

Jisoo" get the car keys...
Jk" but baby-....
Jisoo" NOW!!
Jk" y-yes

Jk immediately stood up and went to bring the car keys not wanting to make his wife more angry...

He came back with the car keys

Jisoo" now shall we go and buy my baby some ice cream hmm
V" Yesh -excited-
Jisoo" then let's go
V" yay

Time skip

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