Part 5

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Two days went and V got soo much better because Tae and Jk were taking good care of him all the time

Now they are all sitting in the leaving room Tae and V doing their homework and jk working on his laptop

Tae" hyungie i don't understand this can u help me with it
V" of course baby..look...u have to...

Jk smiles when he looked at his babies but suddenly he got a call and when he saw the id he immediately answered

Jk" suga..what's wrong
Suga" jk a sudden attack ...our enemies are everywhere..u have to come
Jk" I will be there in 10 minutes try to stop them!!

Jk cut the call and stood up and immediately went upstairs which causes the brothers to be confused

Tae" hyung why appa ran upstairs like this
V" I don't known bear...maybe something important
Tae" should I go check
V" no...don't disturb him...continue ur homework

Tae nodded and started doing his homework again

Like after 10 minutes jk came back down dressed all in black holding his gun

Like after 10 minutes jk came back down dressed all in black holding his gun

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Jk" u both close all the doors and lock it

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Jk" u both close all the doors and lock it..don't u dare to go outside...V take care of ur brother
Tae" a-appa what u mean
V" don't worry appa ...I will
Jk" I may take long time...don't call me nor think of searching outside for I clear
V" yes appa
Tae" a-appa...

Tae Said scared and confused on what's happening jk sensed it and went to him kneeling down

Jk" bun don't worry..I have some important works to do...and I want u two to stay inside this mansion until I get back...can u do that for me
Tae"....y-yes appa
Jk" good boy

Jk ruffles Tae hair and stood up and looked at V

Jk" u know what u have to do if they came here right

Jk said in low voice so that Tae can't hear them

V" I know appa...and please be careful
Jk" I will

Jk said and took one last glance at the twins and went outside the mansion

Jk" I want more bodyguard to guard this mansion...don't let them out..protect them at any cost
Bodyguards" YES BOSS
JK" I need some of u to come with me too...Jackson and Yeonjun u two will ...
Jackson/Yeonjun" yes boss
Jk" follow me then

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