Part 9

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The next day they all were having a breakfast when Jk turned to V

Jk" u sure u don't want to stay at home today

Jk asked with a hint of concern and V smiled

V" yes appa I m sure don't worry

Meanwhile Tae was sulking because he hates when he doesn't get attention from his appa and hyung and began munching his food with a pout

Jk and V noticed and chuckled

Jk" a baby is sulking I wonder who it is
V" hmm..looks like he's jealous

Tae pouted more hitting V arm

Tae" me not jealous...u both are meanies..Tae Tae will not talk to you
Jk" oh that's sad...I though my baby wanted a strawberry for school today..but it's okey...I will give it to my tiger

Tae looked at jk shocked

Tae" no no Tae Tae not mad...strawberry is mine..Mine only

Tae said crossing his arms cutely and Jk chuckled

Jk" but I thought u didn't want to talk to us
Tae" I changed my mind
Jk" fine my little troublemaker u will get ur strawberry milk u happy now
Tae" Yesh

Tae Said showing his boxy smile and both Jk and V smiled

After breakfast they both got ready to go

Jk" concentrate and don't cause trouble okey

V/Tae" yes appa
Jk" good boys now go shu shu

They both giggled

When they arrived V kissed Tae forehead and went inside the college and Tae inside his school

Tae PoV:

i was Walking in the corridor when suddenly someone jumped on me..I already know who it is

Tae" baekhyunie
baek" it's hyung for u brat!

Baekhyun said smacking Tae head lightly and Tae pouted

Tae" meanie
Baek" let's go u don't want to miss the class and get punished do u

Baek said walking away smirking and Tae pouted following him

Tae: u spoiled my mood ur really mean..I will tell V hyung
Baek" brat he will not even spoil my mood he will wipe me from about strawberry cake and u keep ur mouth shut hmm

Tae taught for second..thr offer was tempting..then nodded

Tae" ok deal, but u want it today
Baek" spoiled brat..okey fine now let's go

Baekhyun said holding Tae hand dragging him to their class and Tae walked along happily because why not..he got strawberry milk and now strawberry cake..he can't be happier

V pov:

I was sitting in my class waiting for the professor to come..suddenly I felt someone hugging the live out of me

Jimin" omg my soulmate ur alive..glad to see you..tell me everything happened now I can't wait

V" u i-idiot I c-can't breath

V said out of breath as jimin was still hugging him..jimin laughed nervously and let go of V

Jimin: tell me now
V"fine fine...yesterda-

V stopped talking when the professor entered class..and jimin could swear that he wanted to beat the shut out of him at this second..V chuckled and stood up to greet the professor

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