The Chosen Ones

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The Golden Order have now gone a long way since the first days of quirks. The new religion of the world, birthed from the fondations of old Christianity used the following years to impose the new vision of "God" and secretly wipe out all Christians that did not accept it. Yubiwa became the prophet of the order, as he continued to receive visions and messages from The Greater Will.

While most countries greeted the apparition and spread of the "meta abilities" with scientific pragmatisme, the order saw the individuals who possessed them as blessed by The Greater Will. Unfortunately for those individuals, the governments only saw them as potential threats to their power. So, they manipulated the general public opinion to make most citizens see them as only futur dangerous terrorists. The relations between "normal" people and blessed individuals seemed to become more and more difficult, build up on fear and disdain cultivated by the political leaders of the world. 

However, thanks to it's christian fondation The Golden Order was an influential politic power as well and wildly spread all over the world. Because of this, the order became the principal refuge for all people having meta abilities. With each passing day, the number of blessed individuals grew exponentially, and with it the military potential of the Order. Of course many political leaders feared this and desperately tried to stop it, but they miserably failed each time as The Order took over power and influence far older and greater than any current governments.     

After 2 years of stale mate between both sides, The Greater Will found the perfect opportunity and pawn to start the seconds phase of its vision. In the capital city of Japan, the outer god felt the birth an incredible power. In the Shigaraki household a set of twins were born, one with a mediocre and useless quirk while the other received one with infinite potential : All For One. 

The Greater Will knew that this child was the key to the supremacy of The Golden Order. The next night, he contacted his prophet who had recently returned in Japan through his dreams. If those twins could be pushed in the right direction, they will change everything. 

Elden Beast : Awaken mine own dearest child. Open thy eyes to the dreameth and bask in mine own presence.

Yubiwa : My lord, how may I humbly serve you ? What futur endeavor may you give me ? 

Elden Beast : Dearest prophet two chosen ones hast first draweth breath lasteth morning. I has't gifted the child the power to bringeth forth mine own vision. Thou art to bringeth him in thy own sanctum, alloweth none stand ho thee for 't is mine own commandeth.

Yubiwa : As you command my lord, it shall be done. *bows*

Elden Beast : One lasteth thing. The issue hast a twin bother, that gent shalt beest hath brought here as well.

Yubiwa : What about their parents ?

Elden Beast : None shalt interfere with mine own vision, those gents shalt comply or visage destruction. The choice of approach is yours.

Yubiwa : I understand...

Elden Beast : Anon wend mine own dearest child, thy task awaits thee in the waking world.


The day after Yubiwa received his new directive from The Greater Will, he announced his new mission to the other followers and asked for a few of his most loyal ones to come with him. once ready they departed for the capital in search of the Shigaraki household.

Finding the family was not complicated, but going to them and retrieving the chosen without bringing the politics attention was easier said than done. However the agents of The Golden Order became experts in that regard, especially in Japan were they even manege to convert and recrute an old Shinobi clan know as the Black Knifes, who became incredible assassins. 

Yubiwa : We have arrived, stay behind me as I will initiate the conversation.

Golden Apostles : Yes, Elden Prophet

Yubiwa march to the door of the estate, making sure there was someone before knocking.

M. Shigaraki : Hello sir, how May I he... !

Yubiwa : Greetings, M. Shigaraki. With such expression adorning your face, I believe that presenting will not be needed, correct ?

M. Shigaraki : Y-yes indeed, what an honor father Yubiwa ! How can our humble family help the Order ?

Yubiwa : Aaah... a man of faith I see. Then rejoice my child, for our lord as Blessed your child with a great power and even greater purpose ! 

M. Shigaraki : Re-really ? Th-that's wonderful ! My boy, my beautiful boy has been chosen by the lord !

Yubiwa : Indeed, and we are here to bring him and his twin to our sanctum, so they can be guided towards their great goal.

M. Shigaraki : Yoichi too ? But he is not blessed, he is weak and frail, he is a disgrace !

Yubiwa : Yes, but our lord has special task for him. Do not question his will...

M. Shigaraki : Y-yes, yes of course. Please come inside with me and I'll fetch them !

The man of the Shigaraki Household brought the great prophet and the apostles into the living room while two Black Knifes assassins stayed behind to watch over the door.

M. Shigaraki : Honey ! Come in the living room with the brats this instant ! We have very important guests !

Yubiwa could immediately hear fast and panicked footsteps coming from the upper floor of the house. It took only 2 minutes for a beautiful 35ish women with long white hair in a bun, holding at the end of both her arms a wicker basket filled with blankets and 2 baby with the same hair color. 

Mme Shigaraki : Ho-honey, what is happening ? Who are these people ?

M. Shigaraki : How dare you disrespect our guests like that ! This is the Elden Prophet of The Golden Order, father Yubiwa ! He and his apostles have graced us with their presence to inform us of incredible news !

Mme Shigaraki : M-my deepest apologies sir, it is an honor t-to have you here !

Yubiwa : Greetings, Mme Shigaraki. As your Husband just told you we are the bearers of great news for your family. Your sons have been chosen by the lord to accomplish his great plan and bring forth his vision. We are here to retrieve them, and bring them were they belong.

Mme Shigaraki : Wh-what ! NO ! You can't take them away from me !

M. Shigaraki : You insolent wrench ! *bitch slap* You will not deprive our sons of their divine fate because of your selfishness !

Mme Shigaraki : N-no, pl-please

Yubiwa : Have no fear madame, this is for the greater good, and the futur of man kind.

Turns towards his apostles.

Yubiwa : Take them away !

The Age of Gold - Tome 1 : Rise of the Order (MHA)Where stories live. Discover now