The Chosen Ones - part 2 -

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It has been 11 years now since the Shigaraki twins were brought into the Order's custody. Their father promised that his impudent wife will never disrespect them again, nor will she try to get her children back. However, the Elden Prophet decided to take the whole family with them so they could keep a close eye on the mother at anytime. 

With the children being so important to the vision of their outer God, they had to make sure that the family was officially "gone". With the help of the father and the meta ability from a follower, they made the Shigaraki family "die" in a house fire, erasing any risk of government interference.

For all of their young years both twins were teach by The Golden Order's apostles and raised by Ubiwa and their father only. Their were not completely deprived of their mother, but the father was tasked to make sure she did not lead them away from their teachings. Of course, he had to keep the children obvious to that fact.

Everything was going perfectly well for the following years, even the boy's mother could not deny that fact. The Shigaraki were now living a far more comfortable life, they were given high level of education and they were no shamed for having a meta ability anymore. The happier of them outside of the father was the younger twin Yoichi, who was finally recognized by his father as more than just a failure.

Unfortunately, the happiness could not last for ever. Eight years after they were took in by the Order, Ms Yubiwa could not accept having no say in her children's education anymore. She lived with a  perpetual fake smile on her face, as she knew how her new house was nothing but a fancy golden prison. So, one day she tried to escape with her sons.

She did not even reached the outside gate of the great religious complexe. Not only was she dragged down by her sons who did not understand why she they were trying to flee, but also because 2 dark blade assassins were watching her 24/7. They were brought back instantly into their home with the mother sobbing all the way.

For her punishment, she was to be transferred to another Golden Order convent in Japan the next day. Escorted by 3 guards of the Order she was sent away with a promise that she would return once all traces of rebellion were erased from her.. She was later ambushed and killed during her transfer, as her escort got raided by "governmental agents" in the middle of a road.

Ubiwa could not keep her around anymore, and it was time to erase her in a more permanant way.


Three years had passed since the tragic and "unforeseen incident" resulting in Mrs Shigaraki's demise, and things drastically changed for the Yubiwa family. It was devestating for the children, and they still had to recover from the event. The younger twin Yoichi, was the most affected by his mother's death and now help an uncharacteristic hatred towards the government of Japan. 

Nothing changed much for the father who as just become even more of a fanatic towards the Order, but the biggest and unexpected change came from the older twin Hisashi. although the boy manege to hided his hatred quite well, it was clearly more focused on the Golden Order. 

This night, one of the professor charged with the education of the chosen ones, accidentally heard the older child cursing the Order for allowing such an event to happen. Worried and outraged by hearing what the oldest chosen's accusation, he immediately departed to report the event to Yubiwa.   

Professor : Elden Prophet ! I have an important and blasphemous problematic to report !

Prophet Yubiwa : Calm down dear professor, what could be so dramatic to bring you here at such late hour and unannounced ?

Professor : May you excuse  myself for such a disgraceful entrance Elden Prophet, but the matter at hand is far from trivial as it concerns one of the chosen ones.  

Prophet Yubiwa : Is it ? Then please, sit down and explain what troubles your mind.

Professor : My utmost thanks Lord Ubiwa. I was on my way to meet the Shigaraki patriarch to discuss important maters about his sons education, when I heard just from the outside young Hisashi cursing at our glorious Order !  

Prophet Yubiwa : Have you ? In that case dear professor, I may ease your concernes about this. This behavior, although deplorable coming from one of the chosen, was not only predicted but also planned by our Lord.

Professor : Wh-what ? This is an outrageous claim ! How could the Greater Will approuve or even desire such a thing !

Prophet Yubiwa : Dear professor, our lord's vision is one of wisdom who light up a past that we can't yet seen or even comprehend. But as his messager, I can assure you that our futur shine as bright as gold.

Professor : What meaning such a statement holds ? We do not understand.

Prophet Yubiwa : Simple dear professor, to enact a direct war with the world's governments would ruin any chance for our Order to claim it's rightful reign over mankind. At least without being seen as the great enemy, this is why an individual outside of the Order must start it for us.

Professor : I see, but why putting him in our ranks then ?

Prophet Yubiwa : To make sure that the boy would follow the destiny our lord planned for him. Those twins are the chosen ones, possessing the greatest gift passed the Greater Will and destined to bring forth the vision of our lord. However, they will do so not directly nor willingly. The oldest boy's mind is now fueled by hatred and vengeance for not only for the government but also us. 

 Professor : So... we are setting him up to go rogue and wage war on the governments.

 Prophet Yubiwa : Yes, with his incredible gift he will bring all of them to their knees. Once done, the Order will come to save the day with his younger brother's power combined with our might. By doing so, the world will acknowledge us as the holly heroes that came down to smite evil down. 

 Professor : And once saved by us, all those politicians will have no other choice but to let us establish the new world order.

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