Passionate Pleasure

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It had been a long day and his body was exhausted but his mind was buzzing. He had been looking forward to this moment all day and his anticipation was palpable. It had been a long time since he had been with someone and now that he had the chance he was feeling more aroused than ever before. He entered the room and saw her lying there, vulnerable and exposed waiting for his touch. He had been aroused all day but the sight of her made his desire grow to a fever pitch. He slowly walked towards her and could feel the energy radiating from her body. 

He stopped at the foot of the bed and felt his heart racing. His breathing was more labored than before and he could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He knew he would need to take it slow but the thought of touching her was too enticing. He slowly reached out to caress her foot, running his fingers lightly over her delicate skin. Her body immediately reacted to his touch and a soft moan escaped her lips. He continued to slowly trace his fingers across her skin until he reached her calf. 

Then, without any warning, he traced his fingers up to her inner thigh. She gasped and he felt her body tense up beneath him. He could tell she was aroused yet still hesitant. He used his other hand to stroke her hair and lightly whisper in her ear. His touch was gentle as he let his lips brush against her skin. Slowly, his tongue started to trace the same path his fingers had just taken. Her body started to relax and he could feel her breathing deepen. He slowly let his tongue explore her innermost desires, teasing her clitoris and feeling her body respond to his every move. 

His tongue softly circled and licked her clit until she was moaning with pleasure and her hips were rocking against his face. He decided to take things up a notch and pulled back, taking off his robe to expose his body. She gasped in surprise at the sight of his body. He ran his hands down her body, lightly caressing her breasts with his fingertips. Then, he leaned in and started to nibble on her nipples as his hands moved down towards her hips. He started kissing his way down her body as he explored every inch of her skin. 

His fingers moved across her stomach, his palms lightly caressing her clitoris. She groaned in delight at his touch, feeling her body start to quiver with pleasure. He took his time and teased her, lightly licking and kissing her before moving onto more intimate areas. His mouth made its way down to her thighs and he let his tongue run around her inner labia like circles of pleasure. His skillful mouth teased her clit as his fingers found their way inside her and started to toy with her sensitive walls. She was on the brink of orgasm but he denied her the pleasure and pulled out. 

She moaned in protest, wanting to feel his touch. He smiled and told her that it was not yet time, that he wanted to take his time to please her and make sure she was fully satisfied before he granted her the pleasure of an orgasm. He moved on and started to put his skills to use. His fingers explored her inner most depth as his tongue took control of her clitoris. He teased and pleasured her with his adept tongue, pushing and pulling as he explored different areas of her body. She felt herself ready to climax, but every time she felt like she was about to reach orgasm he would pull back and start to tease her again with his fingers and tongue. 

This continued for what felt like an eternity until finally, the pleasure became too much and she erupted in ecstatic bliss. Her body shook and quivered and she screamed out, her whole world spinning in the pleasure. The orgasm had left her feeling sated and exhausted yet still craving for more pleasure. Her skin was still tingling from the sensations and as she looked up, his gaze was filled with desire and need. He slowly started to move above her and entered her with slow, passionate movements. 

She felt consumed by the pleasure and her own desire as he thrust into her over and over again, each movement gentle yet powerful. The pleasure started to build up inside her once more as he moved and she closed her eyes, letting herself be taken away by the sensations. He nibbled and kissed her neck as he thrust harder and faster and soon enough, she could feel her body beginning to climax again. He kept thrusting and then suddenly, she both erupted in a powerful orgasm that left them both shaking and breathless. She opened her eyes and looked into his, both of them spent and sated. 

He slowly pulled out and smiled down at her, wrapping his arms around her and caressing her body with his hands. Then, without warning, he flipped her over and started to play with her again. Now she was on her back, her body open and exposed, the pleasure overwhelming. He continued to thrust into her over and over again, each movement faster and harder than the last. His hard body against hers felt like pure bliss and as he moved and caressed her, her body started to quiver in pleasure. 

 His hands moved to her breasts as he continued to tease and please her with his thrusts. His mouth found hers and as he kissed her hungrily his thrusts got harder and faster. His hands moved down her body, cupping her mound and teasing her clitoris as he kept thrusting. She felt her desire reaching its pinnacle and as her body shook and trembled in pleasure, they both reached their climax together. They lay there exhausted but still intimate, the pleasure radiating from their bodies. 

 Finally, he withdrew and kissed her gently, the pleasure still buzzing in their bodies. They lay there for what seemed like an eternity, too content to move or speak. The lingering pleasure was enough for the moment. He smiled and kissed her one last time before getting up, letting her rest for a few moments before he did so as well. Then, he finally got up and got dressed, still feeling satisfied from the pleasure he had shared with her. It had been a long day, filled with pleasure and intimacy. He had no doubt that he would look forward to their next encounter.

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