Chapter 2

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I couldn't sit still in the car ride back to Austin's hotel. I was uneasy about going with a complete stranger to stay at his hotel with his 'band'. Though I had gotten used to the horrors of living with Nate, I didn't want to deal with more sexual violence and abuse.

"Relax, I promised I wasn't a murderer didn't I?" Austin tried to make conversation. He could clearly se my discomfort.

"Yeah you did." I said awkwardly.

"Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable." He said softly.

"No, you're fine, I'm just not used to being aided by complete strangers who don't want anything in return..." I came to his defence.

"I seriously don't want anything from you, Finley." He looked at me with a warm smile. 

"You can call me Fin and thank you, for everything." I replied returning a smile.

"You're very welcome, Fin. So,where are you from?" He asked.

"Colorado, I moved here about a year ago." I answered.

"What bought you to England?"

"Just wanted to get away" I said. "I had friends over here." And an ex-boyfriend who you haven't stopped thinking about in over a year....

I pushed the thought of my first love away once again.

"Sounds good." He said brightly.

"What about you? you're clearly not British." I asked.

"No, I'm from California, I'm here for a tour with my band. Have you heard of, Of Mice & Men?" He asked.

"Yeah, I have." I answered with a smile. I inside cursed myself for not recognising him.

"That's great! What type of music are you into?" He asked.

"Anything really, I really like I Killed The Prom Queen, Parkway Drive and In Hearts Wake." I said. I loved to talk about music. Since I moved in with Nate I hadn't because he hated 'screamo'.

"Gnarley." He replied. As we continued to drive through the busy London streets a silence fell over the car. Austin shyly looked over at me before he put his eyes back on the road before him. Finally he spoke up: "Finley, if you don't mind me asking, who were you running from?" He asked slowly as if he were stepping through a mine field.

I sucked in a deep breath, knowing I must answer considering this friendly stranger was helping me when no one else would.

"My boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend." I said it so quietly I was surprised Austin didn't ask me to repeat my self.

"Did things end badly?" He sounded genuinely concerned.

"You could say that." I pulled my sleeve over my hand, suddenly feeling exposed.

"Was he the one who hurt your face?" Austin pressed as we pulled in at front of a tall building.

"Is this where we're staying?" I asked avoiding the question.

"Yeah" Austin could sense my discomfort and opened his door as a young valet approached. We entered the building as the valet drove the car toward the parking lot. The hotel was grand. Pristine white walls with golden trimmings and a massive, elegant chandelier dangling above the front desk.  

I followed Austin to the elevator and watched as he pressed the 9th floor button. Once at the floor I walked along side him as he ran me through the names of his band mates. He stopped before the door marked '522'.

"This is my room that I share with Alan, there's a spare bed. The other guys are next door and some of the crew are down the hall." He said as he slid his key-card into the slot. The door opened and a red head was laying on his stomach on a bed in the centre of the room. The red head lifted his head and smiled as Austin entered the room. Though when his eyes fell to mine he raised an eyebrow and looked to Austin for some context.

"Alan, this is Finley. She needed a place to stay." Austin said placing his keys on a bench on the far side of the room in a small kitchen space.

"Hi, I'm Alan." Alan rose to his feet and walked over me extending his hand.

"Hi." I smiled taking his hand.

"Uh, the bed over there is free, let me just get rid of these clothes." Alan said rushing to the bed with clothes spalled across the white covers.

"Thank you." I say.

"It's pretty early, we have some stuff we have to sort out so if you wanna just hang out here that's cool?" Austin said preparing to the leave the room once again.

"I'm just going to go to bed actually..." I say awkwardly.

"Okay, we'll be back in a few hours." Austin says as they both leave the room.

I climb beneath the soft covers. I was excited about spending my first night without Nate in such a comfy and elegant setting. For some reason, the cloud of worry that floated above my head had disappeared and I was less worried about being murdered or raped by the strangers I was rooming with for the night.

I was truly tired. I couldn't wait to sleep and wake up without the fear of Nate. But I feared the night's dreams I would have to face...

Dreams of Benjamin Bruce.

The man who saved me from my cursed life and blessed me with a love and compassion I had never felt before.

I didn't mention to my new friend, Austin that the reason I moved to England was to be with Ben. I also failed to mention that the only reason I hadn't left this hell hole was because the lack of money I had to my name. 

I closed my eye and a single tear left it. Weather it was a tear of sorrow for the wreak my life has become or a tear of joy for finally leaving the monster I was trapped with.

Either or, I  was slipping into a slumber

A well welcomed.

Well deserved.

Decent slumber.

That I had been waiting a year to have...

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