Chapter 1

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"Never apologies for being honest." I lay in his arms. My head resting on his steady rising chest.

"But sometimes the truth hurts" I whispered, shifting so I could see in his eyes. He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Anyone would be blessed for you to hurt them, Finley Parlelle." He said, before gracing my lips with his kiss.


I snapped awake. My chest ached at the memory. My eyes were damp with tears. I could hear the TV from the lounge room. I sat up and looked around the trashed bedroom. I let out a whimper.

How did it get like this?

I rubbed my hand over my face before climbing out of bed and walking over to the window and pulling open the drapes. Down on the street below my third floor apartment, people rushed their way to work or school. The traffic was loud and annoying here in London. Which was why I still chose to walk or use public transport. I stepped away from the window and walked out of my bedroom into a small living room. Nate sat in front of the TV. Shirtless with a cigarette in his hand.

"Aren't you late for work?" I say, remaining in the doorway.

"No." He said without looking up. I felt a realisation come over me. He had been fired, again.

I met Nate when I first moved to London, at the time he was a charming and smooth talking gentleman, but now he has shown me his true colours time and time again.

"You got fired?" I whisper staring at my feet.

"Does it matter if I did or not? You can still get a job." He dropped his cigarette in his over flowing ash tray and stood. I shivered and tensed, but felt my body relax when he walking in the opposite direction, towards the kitchen.

"Nate, I can have been looking for work for months, I can barely pay my half of the rent with the bank's loan, let alone the entire thing." I said avoiding his eyes.

I heard the fridge shut and the floor boards whine as he approached me. I remained still. I knew moving would only set him off. "Well, ask for another loan. Why should I have to rush into another shit fucking job while you prance around in your pyjamas all day and not even look for work? Huh? What? You think you should take a load off?" He was directly in front of me. His eyes drilling into mine and his rotten breath invading my senses.

"Babe, you know I didn't mea-" I tried to recount my statement but was cut of my his hand making contact with my cheek.

"Fuck you!" He screamed. I let a tear escape my eye and cringed. "What? You wanna leave? You think I won't find you? You think you can just fuck off back to America? Silly bitch." He threw whatever was in his hand at the couch and placed his hand on my hip. His stubble scratched my neck as he aggressively whispered in my ear. "You think I won't find another stupid lil' American slut again? You're dead wrong. You're nothing Finley Parlelle and don't you forget it." To my surprise he moved and released my from his grasps. He backed away slowly. "Go! Try survive without me, London will chew you up and spit you out you lil' skank." He sat back in his spot on the couch. "GO! LEAVE! I don't wanna look at you anymore." I rushed into the bedroom and threw some clothes in a bag. I had lived with Nate for a year and he had always threaten to come after me, but I knew, I couldn't take this for a second longer. London was the worst decision I ever made. Well not the worst. Once I had everything I needed and all the money I had been hiding in a tampon box under the sink, I left. Leaving with just one last insult from the drunken bastard I had let run my life for the past year. I hurried down the stairs, fearing he would change his mind and follow me. I had no where to go. Only $200 American dollars and a small bag worth of clothes. I had no plan. But I was happy. I had finally left that monster.

I walked down the road, keeping a fast pace, still fearing Nate might come after me. I reached the opposite side of a busy road with the bus stop on the other side. I looked as the bus slowly approached the stop. If I missed that bus, I was surely, fucked. The traffic did not decrease and more cars poured in from other side roads making it impossible for me to cross. I felt tears filling my eyes as the bus pulled in and people began to board. I looked down the road and saw that if I was lucky I may not die if I were to cross. I quickly ran across the road and speed over the island in the middle of the busy street. A car hit the breaks and scared the crap out of me. I finally reached the other side of the road just as the bus left the stop. I screamed for it to stop and tried to run after it but failed. I could not stop myself from breaking down into tears. My legs gave in on the busy sidewalk and I collapsed. That bus went directly to Sheffield. My best friend who I hadn't seen in over a year would happily take me in. Now I was stuck in London for another week. I could not afford to both rent a motel room and go to Sheffield. I whimpered as passerbyers glared down at the 'crazy girl' crying on the sidewalk. I was doomed. This was the end.

"Excuse me?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and my head shot up. A man was crouched down beside me. His arms were drowned in tattoos and he had an American accent. "Are you okay?" He asked, his hazel eyes searching mine.

"" I whispered.

"Come, let me help you up." He stood to his full height, which was massive and extended a long lanky arm. I took it and stood up.

"Thank you. Sorry if I'm disrupting the foot traffic." I said adjusting my bag on my shoulder.

"It's fine, uh, I'm Austin." He extended a hand which I shook.

"I'm Finley." I said quietly.

"Can I ask what's wrong?" He asked.

"I missed my way out of this cesspit." I said staring after the way the bus went.

"Where you heading?" Austin asked intrigued.

"Sheffield, but now just anywhere but here." My eyes wondered to the way I came and I felt my stomach drop at the sight of Nate's beat up SVU cruising down the road. I quickly stood behind Austin. "Please just pretend we're talking." I whispered, staring up at him.

"Who are you hiding from?" He asked. I noticed his eyes wandered to my still reddened cheek form Nate's slap.

"Someone who can't find me." I say.

"Come with me, I'll find you a place to stay." Austin offered.

"I can't pay though, I won't be abled to afford a way to Yorkshire." I said.

"Fine, you can stay with me and my band. Don't worry, you'll be safe, just until you can leave this 'cesspit'." He answered with soft and understanding eyes.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked as he started to turn away.

"Because I know what it's like to feel trapped and I wished someone helped me." He said softly.

"Promise not to murder me?" I asked.

"You're safe with me, Finley. Oh, that rhymed."

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