Chapter 1

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*Special Note*

This story takes place 4 months before Niall and Liz get married. If you did not read my previous fan fiction you will be very confused so... read it lol

Zayn's POV

I felt so exhausted but it's good to be home again after the world tour.

I went to the kitchen to get a bottle water from the fridge and I bumped into someone.

"Zayn!" she screamed and hugged me excitedly.

"Liz, how you've been, when did you get here?" I asked smiling like a little kid on Christmas day.

"I'm great, I left 'D' taking care of everything back at the Academy and I literally just got here... where's Niall?" she was talking really fast probably impatient to see her boyfriend and my best mate.

"Uh he's probably getting stuff out of the car" I answered and she nodded.

"Alright. So was it awesome?" she asked referring to the tour.

"It was unbelievable! So crazy... our fans are amazing" I replied grinning.

"You mean Amazayn" she said with a wink and we both laughed.

"I've missed you" I said and hugged her again.

"What's going on here?" Niall asked serious and then started laughing.

"Niall" Liz said in a breathy voice.

"Hey princess" Niall replied while they stared at each other lovingly.

This was the part that I hated; they hardly ever kiss in front of me (probably to not make me feel bad) but the looks they gave each other are even worse, it's like there's no one around, just them in their own little world.

I'm not jealous, I'm not. They've been together for almost two years, I've gotten over the fact that she picked him and not me, hell I rather see them together everyday (happy) then have to see everyone unhappy like they used to be before being together.

But I did envy what they had... their beautiful relationship was appropriate for a book or even a film; In 4 months they will get married and have that whole fairy-tale ending.

Then there's Harry who has been dating Sveti on and off for the last year and a half.

Liam and Danielle have been together for almost 3 years and Louis just started dating Alison... then there's me, alone... always.

With a sigh I excused myself to let Niall and Liz have their moment since they haven't seen each other in 3 months and a half (the longest they've been apart).

Part 2

Louis POV

We were all in the living room watching T.V and messing around when I get a phone call; I read the screen that said Ally and answered with a smile on my face.

"Hey babe, when are you getting here? I need to see my lady" I said in a flirty tone.

"I'm so sorry love, I won't be able to make it until tomorrow" she replied regretfully.

"Ahh, that sucks... Liz is here and Danielle will be here soon so you an Sveti are the ones that will get here tomorrow. Just get here before noon, we leave at 2pm" I told her and she assented.

"Alrighty then, I'll call you back in a bit because the guys are being stupid about me being on the phone, love ya babe", she said "love you too" and we hung up.

"You are all haters!" I yelled joking and they started laughing.

"Yeah, I'm hating on you when your girlfriend comes tomorrow and mine it's right here" Niall said placing a kiss on Liz's cheek.

"Dwarfie, how can you love someone like Niall, I don't get it" I joked and she laughed.

"I don't know bro, he just has that one thing" she said and we all laughed.

"Nice pun with our song" said Harry who was laughing weirdly.

"Mate, are you okay?" I asked him and he laughed even more.

"We lost him" Liam stated in an over dramatic tone and we all nodded in agreement while Harry had a laughing fit.

We were a weird bunch... poor world having to deal with us.


So I'm guessing you guys finished reading it's complicated and decided to read the sequel too??

Well I hope you like it! It's not going to be as long but there will be action! :)

Vote + Comment. Do what your heart desires :)

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