Chapter 8

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Aisah's POV

"What are you doing here?" I ask slowly.

"Like I said, I don't trust you and the fact that you were taking so long hesitating made it seem like you were stalling and I was right" he said with a cruel smile on his face.

"Sir, I just...I" I stuttered.

"I-I" he said mockingly.

"Liz is right, this job is not for the weak... this job is not for you" he said and I felt tears burning in my eyes but then I felt Liz whisper in my ear.

"Don't you dare give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry... show him you're not weak" she said and I swallowed the knot in my throat and held my head up defiantly.

I saw from the corner of my eyes, Liz nodding approvingly.

Liz's POV

"Nice to finally meet you" he said towards me.

"It's not so nice actually, but what can I do" I said nonchalantly in a bitchy tone.

Everyone (1D and their girlfriends) were on the left side of the room while the Captain and 3 of his men were on the right side (in front of the front door) facing us.

I felt Niall moving closer to me and I slowly pushed him away a bit, but the Captain still noticed.

"Aww is this the reason you faked your own death?" he asked seeming genuinely curious.

"None of your business and I almost died, there was nothing fake about that" I replied coldly.

"Oh I'm sorry... my guys got a little paranoid when they were about to face you and Andrew so I guess they took a gun as a precaution. You eliminated 9 of my men that night..." he said with a fake smile on his face.

"Well you and your men can go straight to hell... want me to help you get there?" I said crossing my arms in a stubborn, cocky stance and he lifted an eyebrow.

"You are smaller than I imagined but you have a pretty big mouth... one that I'll have to shut up permanently" he stated matter of fact.

"I would love to see you try that" I said with a cocky grin and again Niall tried to put himself in front of me protectively, and again I pushed him back while he gave me a hurt look, which I ignored because you can't show any type of weakness in front of the enemy or he will take advantage of it.

He looked at Niall and smiled, "Sorry man, you hadn't seen this part of her had you? Not so sweet now is she?" he questioned trying to play mind games with my boyfriend.

Niall was about to say something and I cut him off.

"So did you come here for a talk or what? I'm getting bored here" I said, faking a yawn and he laughed loudly while I did my best to seem uninterested.

"I like your attitude, I wouldn't mind having you on my side... actually if you agree to be on Shadow I might let 'blondie' and the rest of your friends live, what do you say?" he said and I rolled my eyes.

This is the reason he was here himself, to ask me to join him.

"I rather commit suicide so why don't you go and fuck yourself" I said  with a fake sweet smile.

"See that everyone? She doesn't care about any of you, how does that feel?" he asked and Zayn looked at the floor and Louis and Niall looked at me, not sure what to think.

It hurt to see them actually doubt that I cared about them but I kept a blank expression, showing no emotion whatsoever because he was looking for a weak point.

It's Still Complicated ☾ z.m. [unedited]Where stories live. Discover now