Chapter 13

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Aisah’s POV

There were no words after the kiss, Zayn just started walking again and a stunned me followed him back to the house.

What on earth is going on?

When we got to the house and we walked in the kitchen a laugh escaped me…. the whole place looked like World War III had taken place there.

There was food, flour and weird stuff I rather not know what they were, covering every surface and the people in the room.

“Okay, who started this?” Zayn asked and Niall pointed at Liz, Harry pointed at Louis and Liam pointed at everyone.

“Alright…” he said and unexpectedly took some weird vegetables off the counter and started throwing it at everyone which started another battle.

About 15 minutes later we were all tired and looked like baby puke so we stopped the food fight.

“This is a disaster!” yelled Niall, apparently his brain had just registered all the food that was wasted.

Liz hugged him and that was all that was needed to cheer him up, in my eyes it was quite adorable.

“Um, I thought you were doing lasagna?” I asked and there was an outburst of laughs.

“We are, it’s safe in the oven…. I hope” replied Liam and we all became silent because we were all hungry and the thought of no food, especially with all the one we wasted really sucked.

Alison's POV

I had just texted Louis that I was outside and he came to meet me outside... not in the way I was expecting though.

He was covered in what looked like unnamed substances.

"Wondering what's all over me?" he asked smiling.

"Uh... I rather not know" I answered slowly and he laughed while unexpectedly embracing me, covering me in all that disgusting looking food mix.

"Louis!!!!" I half yelled and hissed, he just rubbed his body against mine to get me even dirtier.

"I.AM.GOING.TO.KILL.YOU." I pronounced calmly.

"Fine by me" he answered then his right arm circled my waist and dragged me closer to him.

"As long as it is by kissing me to death" he whispered in a husky voice which produced goosebumps down my arms but I didn't have time to dwell on it because he leaned in to kiss me.

"Eww, stop being so gross!" I heard Harry say and Louis smiled on my lips.

Harry's POV 

"God stop! my eyes, they burn!" I yelled dramatically until both Ally and Louis started laughing.

"Don't you have something better to do mate?" Louis asked and I shrugged.

"Not really" I said with my famous cheeky grin.

"You should call Sveti, I bet she misses you" Alison said softly as if to not upset me... Louis must have told her how sad I get everytime I'm alone and I can't distract myself from the fact that she's not here with me.

"Maybe she's too busy to talk to me" I whispered without intending to.

"You'll never know if you don't try" Louis encouraged.

"You're just saying that because you want to be alone with Ally" I said with a narrowed gaze and he smiled.

"True, but I still think you should call her.... so go!" he yelled and pushed me inside the house so I could find my phone to call her.

Svetlana's POV

I had just walked out of the kitchen when the house phone started ringing, I ran to get it and my mom was about to pick it up but I beat her to it.

I didn't know why I always did that, Harry only calls at night but I still ran to the phone everytime it rung, just in case.

"Hello" I said....a few moments passed and no answer.

"Hello" I repeated and again, no answer...when I was about to hang up someone talked.

"Hey babe don't hang up! I'm sorry.... I kind of got distracted by the sound of your voice" I heard Harry say, and my heart melted.

I knew I had a goofy grin on my face so I walked to my room so my mother would stop staring at me, like I'm crazy.

"I can't believe you called" I stated trying not to show my over excitement.

"I missed you" I heard him say in a deep voice.

"I miss you too" I replied while feeling my cheeks heating up (like always, for no reason).

"Good to know. I mean it's only been 2 days since you were here but the thought that now I have to wait till next month to see you again sucks. You should let me pay for your train/ plane ticket just so I can see you more often!" he exclaimed and I sighed.

"You know I'm not letting you pay for me! I don't want people to think I'm taking advantage of you or that I'm with you for the money, because it's not true" I answered.

We had been through this conversation a bunch of times before.

Sometimes we ended arguing and 2 times we even broke up but he would call me a few days later to apologize and we got back together.

"Fine, fine. I'll let it go for now.... I just feel bad that you work just to save money, to see me" he said and I took a deep breath.

"Well... that's because I want to, so don't feel bad" I said.

"Ahhh...Louis that's disgusting! Go take a shower!"-Harry

"No! Did you take a shower?!"-Louis

"Yes, I already did"-Harry

"So? I'm not taking a shower yet...I want to be 'Disgusting Food Man'"-Louis

I started laughing at their conversation.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We all had  a food fight and Louis is still covered in it" Harry complained to me.

"Aww, I wish I could've been there" I said quietly.

"We'll do one the next time you're here" he said, being the sweetheart that he is.

"I'd like that" I said smiling at the phone.

"Wait?... what if I went to see you?" Harry asked unexpectedly.

"What?" I gasped.

"Next week, I'll take a flight to Austria and go see you!" he exclaimed and my heart started beating faster, just thinking about him coming over here just to spend time with me.

"Okay" was the only thing thing I could say since I knew there was nothing I could say to change his mind; not that I wanted that to happen...

It's Still Complicated ☾ z.m. [unedited]Where stories live. Discover now