Final Chapter

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Alison's POV

Louis convinced me to sleep-over so I had to stay in the guest room... with Aisah. After everyone went to rest and I couldn't keep avoiding being on the same room as her, I walked in.

I prepared for bed hesitantly until there was no more stalling.

She was already tucked in and facing the other side of the room.

I climbed on the mattress and under the covers.

A couple of minutes went by after I turned off the lights and silence filled the room.

Suddenly I heard her voice but she didn't turn to face me.

"Do you still hate me?" she asked softly.

I didn't know how to respond to that question, did I hate her?

A couple of minutes after I finally answered.

"I don't hate you" I whispered  but I knew she heard me.

"I'm so sorry for using you" she said turning towards me to face me.

"I- It started that way, but I got caught up and suddenly I forgot it was an act, fake.... you really became my best friend and.... I do love you" she finished, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Did you know it's extremely hard to stay mad at you?" I asked and she frowned confused.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because you have the cutest puppy face/eyes in this earth" I stated and a smile spread on her face.

"Does that mean you forgive me?" she asked slowly.

"Of course" I said and put my arms around her in an embrace and she did the same. 

All friendships have trials and there will always be ups and downs. True friendships are made when they find a way to go through it together, because they mean to each other more than trivial things that will become their past memories.


One Month Later

Harry's POV

I was so nervous to see Sveti...not just because I flew all the way from England to Austria just to see her but because what I was going to drop something big on her and I didn't know what she would say, what she would think or how she would react.

I was rubbing my hands together in a nervous manner while I made my way to the front door of her house, where I have been a couple of weeks before.

I texted her that I was outside and waited; 2 minutes later the door creaked open and Svetlana slipped out.

"Hey" I said a little breathless, for 2 reasons: because of how beautiful she looked in the yellow sun-dress she was wearing and because seeing her in front of me made me more nervous about what I was going to ask her.

"Hey" she said in that sweet smile of hers...

God I can't do this, I should just tell her I have to go and save myself the humiliation.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I forgot I hadn't said anything.

I leaned in and kissed her cheek because I didn't trust myself to kissing her lightly in her lips, and if her parents saw me making out with her daughter outside their home I was not going to be very welcomed in their family.

"So, what was that thing you wanted to tell me?" she asked in that angelic voice.

I fumbled with the pockets of my pants while I looked at the ground and she took a step closer to me, making me snap my eyes up to look at her face.

It's Still Complicated ☾ z.m. [unedited]Where stories live. Discover now