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Una: Oh, can you do me a favour? *gets an apple out of her lunchbox* Can you peel this apple for me, please?

Frances: No! I'm not going to peel an apple for you!

Una: ...but Mr Elsner always does it for me.

Frances: Why does Henry peel your apples for you?

Una: He doesn't like it when I eat apples with the skin on. He says it's loaded with toxins.

Frances: Ok, well, good news, Henry's not here.

Una: But I know he's not here, and that's why I need you to do it for me, please. Please?

Frances: Oh, Jesus- just eat it with the skin on!

Una: I do not like it with the skin on, Mrs Elsner! I'm not allowed!

Frances: Oh my god, alright! If you just shut up, I'll peel your apple the way Henry likes you to eat it! Give it to me! GIVE IT TO ME.

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