LIV ; Do It For Me

138 12 14

- Did you hear that...?

- Yes...

The two boys do not move an inch and the room plunges into an agonizing silence.

Their gazes scan the room at the same time to try to see what could be the origin of this noise which caught their attention and cut them off in their embrace.

All the windows are intact and no door is open, except for the one further in front of them, which is ajar but the room has no open window either. The wind couldn't have made such a noise and given the lack of furniture or anything in the place, nothing could have fallen perchance.

So what was the cause of this sound?

- Maybe it was in the next room...?

- We should go check it out.

Said the taller as he took the brunette's hand back in his, taking a few steps forward.

Minho gently nods his head, letting himself be guided by the taller one again when suddenly...

A raucous kills the silence in which the place was immersed.

A noise so loud that it startled the two boys.

They both look at each other worriedly before slowly turning their heads back.

A huge piece of roof just fell, crashing directly into the floor of the room several feet away from them.

The ground, under the sudden impact of the piece of roof, also cracks and breaks due to the fragility of the place and the lack of maintenance.

This part of the floor therefore crashes heavily into the ground of the first floor, but the crack created in it causes the rest to follow the movement.

In less than two seconds, half the length of the floor of the story on which the two boys are disappears in an infernal noise.

Hyunjin and Minho watch the scene unfolding further ahead of them, completely paralyzed, mesmerized. Their eyes are wide open and their heartbeat suddenly stops.

The ground on the first floor is made of concrete, which would cause their immediate death if they fell from where they are.

- This place is falling apart... RUN!

Overwhelmed with adrenaline, Hyunjin snaps out of his trance and firmly grabs the wrist of the smaller one to pull him along, running straight down the hallway in an effort to get to a safe place.

All of his senses are on alert as the ground crumbles beneath their feet, catching up with them pretty quickly. In total panic, he manages to pick up the pace as the oldest follows him from behind, his feet two centimeters from touching the void.

Seeing the half-open door to the room where they will be safe, Hyunjin gives everything he has to reach it quickly, slamming it open wide when they are in front.

Minho, losing his footing given the emptiness now present under his two feet, suddenly falls on the taller one, who joins his fall, his torso meeting the floor of the new dark room.

For his part, the fall of the dark blond haired is cushioned by the body of the taller, which lets out an audible complaint in view of the two painful afflictions to which he is entitled on the spot.

Minho was on the verge of losing his life there.

His feet still inches from the void, but his person now safe in the new place, he turns his head to cough a few times, the swarthy imitating his actions.

He then gets up from Hyunjin seeing that he has difficulty breathing and then he starts to catch his breath too.

The tallest straightens up gently with his hands and then bends one of his knees to help him get up completely.

He brings a hand to where his heart is and lowers his head. The shirt that covers him is now torn in some places, revealing the cut and scraped skin of his torso area.

The insides of his hands also begin to bleed and his left cheekbone is damaged too.

Shards of glass littered the ground where Hyunjin had landed, resulting in several cuts on his person.

Both breathless, still gasping for air until Minho chokes and jumps up witnessing something awful.

- Hyunjin! Your... ahh... Your stomach...!

Hyunjin, adrenaline still flowing through his veins, hadn't noticed the piece of glass planted right in his abdomen.

He looks down at the sharp object that has penetrated the skin of his abdomen, now also stained with fresh blood.

He frowns, biting his lip roughly and then lets out a new complaint, closing his eyes.

- Holy shit...

Minho begins to panic, adrenaline rushing through his being again as he closes in on the taller one, resting his hands on his biceps.

- Hyunjin, we have to get back to the car, right now.

The swarthy opens his eyes again to lower them on the smaller one and he breathes in pain a slight "yes" before letting the older one drag them towards the nearest staircase. They leave the building, one of the corridors of which is now in ruins, to join their car parked just opposite.

Once in the car, it's Minho who takes the wheel, the swarthy having taken place on the seat on the passenger side while still not being able to find a regular rhythm of breathing.

The brunette quickly starts the engine and does not bother to put on his seatbelt, already reversing to then join the road.

- No way, no way...

- Min'... Calm... ahh... Calm down.

- How can you ask me to calm down when you have the equivalent of half a knife stuck right in your stomach!?

The little one's hands are shaking on the steering wheel of the car and Hyunjin can't help but want to reassure him. He therefore brings his bloody hand to Minho's thigh and attempts to offer him a smile, which turns out to be rather weak.

- It's okay... I won't die.

He said as he felt a heavy, very heavy urge to rest his eyes take hold of him.

- Hyun'...

He blinks, struggling somehow against this spontaneous sleep while the brunette is more worried since he has to keep his eyes on the road given the speed at which he is driving.

- Hyunjin...! Stay awake, please...

Minho knows desperately that if Hyunjin lets himself be overcome by this urge to close his eyes, he will never open them again.

- Hold on until we find a pharmacy... Do it for me...

Hyunjin nods slowly, letting his hand stain the little one's pants.

He won't admit defeat, no.

Not when they are so close to making time regain its function.

Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now