Fortress Inquisitorius. Ochō's training.

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Ochō was in front of several riot troopers in the Imperial Dojo. She fought hard against the enemies with her signature weapon, the three-section crimson vibroblades. She was able to defeat and disarm all of the enemies. But from the shadows, Darth Vader was overseeing her formation as a potential Inquisitor

Vader says to Ochō - Finish the fight. Show them that you have respect for their skills. Kill them now-
Ochō replies - I... I shouldn't-
Vader orders her - Do it! -

Ochō kills all of them with a single stroke. She began to question her actions

Vader says to her - Why did you hesitate?-
Ochō says - If this were a real situation, it's better to keep the enemy alive for interrogation, besides, they were unarmed prisoners. This is not what my father taught me. There is no honor in that-

Vader sees that Ochō albeit pragmatic about her enemies, she still had her adoptive sister Lop in her mind

Vader says - Honor won't help you win your battles. The passion and will to do what must be done will and must be as common for you as breathing. You must unlearn what you have learned. You are ready for the next phase of your training. I'm confident that you have studied the Jedi texts to master the Force, not being controlled by it-
Ochō asks with curiosity - Whatever do you mean my master? -

Vader shows her a very heavy structure and lifts it with the Force.
Then Vader says - Lift that structure as much as you can. Concentrate in your feelings - as he let go of the structure and returns to the floor

Ochō remembered the teachings of her father Yasaburō about how size was a concept fabricated by the mind and how size didn't mattered. She manages to lift it only a little but she was in denial because of her strained relationship with her father and lost her concentration. The structure falls into the floor again

Ochō says a little tired - It can't be done! It's too big for me, milord-
Vader says - Size matters not. Only passion matters. With passion comes power, with power then you will achieve victory. You must connect with your hatred! -

Vader used his telekinesis to hurl several small objects at Ochō, like Obi-Wan did to him once. Then Ochō tried to lift the structure again but Vader kept throwing several objects at her

Vader says - Feel the Force around you and let the hate flow through you. Use your aggressive feelings girl, do not think of anything or anyone else but the task at hand. -
Ochō kept struggling as her eyes changed from her beautiful turquoise color into yellow Dark Side eyes

Vader says to her while he keeps hurling objects at her . - Good. Good. Connect with your hatred. Hate your friends like they were your enemies. Hate your father for his lack of vision. Hate your sister who stole your birthright! -
Ochō says annoyed! - Lop means nothing to me! -
Vader says to her -You care more for her than the fate of planet Tao! -
Ochō says in anger - I joined the Empire because of my homeplanet's future!-

Then Ochō was able to lift the structure and tried to hurl it at Vader, but Vader stopped it. Then Vader use the Force to paralyze Ochō until she fell on her knees.

Vader says to Ochō - That is the lesson. You are strong, but you could be stronger. Let the Dark Side be your ally. Give in to your anger. Embrace it!-

Then the other members of the Inquisitors bring her an uniform worn by the Inquisitors and put it on her. They then give her an Inquisitor lightsaber

Vader says - Arise, 20th Sister -
Ochō says while panting - Thank you... What is thy bidding... my Master?-
Vader says - You will need to sever all of your ties to the Jedi order. You will find your stepsister Lop and destroy the Yasaburō Lightsaber -
Ochō still feels some love for Lop and says - With your permission, my master, Lop might be my unworthy sister, but if she could be turned, she would be a powerful ally. She managed to wound me, after all -
Vader was intrigued by that comment and says - Your feelings for your sister are still strong. But it is as you say. She would be a great asset. Are you up to the task, Inquisitor?-
Ochō says with conviction - For the sake of planet Tao, Lop will join us or die, my Master-

With that, Ochō gathered her things and then she sees another Inquisitor waiting for her. Unlike other Inquisitors, he was wearing Dark Jedi robes and had only one eye-

 Unlike other Inquisitors, he was wearing Dark Jedi robes and had only one eye-

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Ochō hugs the Inquisitor as she says - Nineteenth Brother... I made it! - he then kisses her and says - We are together on this, no? You can call me by my first name-
Ochō says a little flustered - Zing. I'm glad that you were able to help me during my training so i could impress Lord Vader. I see Lord Vader appoint you as my babysitter. Better for us -
Zing responds - Don't thank me yet.
Ochō asks - Tell me something. What did you say to Lord Vader for him to poke out your eye?-
Zing responds - That fear won't always be an ally and that sometimes well placed compassion could lead better results in manipulation-
Ochō says - You know i already agree with you. We have a mission to fulfill, here! -

As their ship departs, One of the Inquisitors says to Vader - Zing, despite being an Inquisitor, still has some light in him. He can use both sides of the Force. Because of that, he acts a little crazy and unpredictable. That's why we, the rest of the Inquisitors called the Nineteenth Brother, Crazy Zing -

Vader says - Yet he never failed to obey an order. He has orders to kill Ochō if she tries to betray us-

The situation was unfolding and the pieces were about to come into place. A new saga was about to unfold.

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