✘ᗪIᖴᖴᗴᖇᗴᑎT ᗩᘜᗩIᑎ♡

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Aegon raised his sword in the air enticing the people to cheer louder and louder. A large smile bore on his face, for someone who did not want the throne he sure was putting on a show. Your eyes left his body, scanning the room, you made eye contact with Rheanys and then she disappeared. A loud booming sound of walls breaking, carnal screams sounded and echoed off the dragon pit walls, Aegon's face dropped as he stepped back, fear taking over his body. Guards rushed to protect him, but Alicent dove headfirst toward her son, shoving him back behind her.

You looked at Aemond quickly grabbed Halaena and threw her behind him, but Halaena only watched with a curious eye. The walls crumbled as Rhaenys flew her dragon, Meleys, into the dragon pit. The dragon crushed bodies and tore down art as she entered the building.

His arm reached out and grabbed You by the back of your dress and pulled her close to him as his hand reached for his sword, just as he drew it, he pushed his wife behind him. Rhaenys would not hurt you, that was certain, but she was unsure what she would do to the rest of the family. Rhaenys stared down the dowager queen and her pretender son, her eyes slowly drifting to you. She offered her a subtle nod, Aemond watched as his wife nodded slightly, then did he follow your gaze to the woman in armor, sitting upon her dragon's back. You spoke in unspoken communication, talking with their eyes.

She could feel Aemond's stare on her causing her to cock her head at him, her eyebrows raising as she stared back. Aemond smirked at her, but she did not smirk back.




your sharp heels clicked against the marbled floor as your dress swished back and forth loudly, anyone would hear you coming, besides the drunken king passed out mindlessly on the iron throne.

"AEGON!" you shouted anger consuming her as she climbed the steps to the throne

Aegon sat up, startled, his eyes blinking widely as the sleep left him, "What the hell?" He exasperated

Anger was evident in your eyes. Aegon swallowed harshly at your demeanor, now nervous about what you would do. your hands trapped him where he sat, the angry princess bracing yourself with one arm on each rest

"You usurped the goddamn iron throne for this?" you shouted "Drowning yourself in cups and napping on the throne while your mother and hand rule your country?"

you screamed in his face, you could've killed him there. Aegon leaned forward angrily, closing the space between the two and causing your eyes to widen as you stood straight up, Aegon's body followed you as he stood in front of you.

"I AM STRANDED HERE! I CAN'T EVEN SEE MY FATHER'S GRAVE, MY NIECES, MY UNCLE OR MY AUNT!" you screamed "may the Gods be good to you cause I will not be"

you placed your hand on your chest as you spoke, His mouth turned downwards, tears almost threatening to spill from his eyes as they glossed over.

"The crown is a heavy burden, one which I did not ask for," Aegon shouted

"But you have it, and you dishonor me by wasting it," you told him

He did not reply, only turned and threw himself into the iron chair, slouching as he rested his chin on his hand. you turned to walk away muttering "King Aegon the drunken fool"

you stormed out of the throne room and into the hall and out into the gardens, You sat on a balcony that overlooked the sea. Tears rolled down your face in your anger pain and sorrow, You knew Rheanys didn't want to leave you behind and it tore at your heart that you couldn't leave this damned castle. If you went missing Aemond would burn down the world to find you and you couldn't have it, you placed your hands on the stone rail, and you traced your hand contemplating jumping. you thought everything was good again you couldn't be happy for too long, You looked up to see Vhagar's looming form in the sky, and your eyes followed seeing her land. You looked back onto the sea seeing your dragon on the horizon, a clicky roar rained over the sea and at you

"Stormcutter!" you screamed to her, your throat horse

Stormcutter stopped in front of you preaching herself on the balcony below it, she grunted sadly at you, and you hear footsteps behind you

"Kostan daor jikagon," you said to her (I can not go)


"jikagon!" you told her (go)

she clicked at you sadly moving her head, gesturing for you to go with her

"Stormcutter, I can't go with you" you cry

she looks sadly at you and flies off, you look down and tears wettened the stone. A hand takes your shoulder and you look back and into Aemond's eye, you frown, and wrap your arms around him.

"you can go out riding," he says

"you don't understand, if I went with her she would never bring me back," you said as you watched her form disappear "but she will know when I need her"

"my brother told m what you said," he says gently

"I'm not wrong," you said letting go of him and leaning against the stone

"He is your king."

"He is a usurper, a second child that had no claim to the throne," you said sharply

Aemond crossed his arms and looked at you

"He is the reason why our family is crumbling apart," you said "I can't leave here, I'd be named a traitor, I'm already getting nasty looks for having Velayron blood"

you take in a breath sharply before you open your mouth to speak, "The people of the court only tolerated me after I married you"

"You will respect him," Aemond said grabbing your arm

you look at him then your arm then back at him in disbelief

"He is our King"

you roll your eyes at him and whip your face, pulling your arm away from him

"A drunken, lazy King," you hissed

he stepped closer to you and held your face softly, "I don't like it either," he said kissing you gently, sweetly.

You kissed him back as more tears rolled down your cheeks.

"I will take you to Driftmark," Aemond said pressing his forehead on yours

"how will you convince them of that?" you asked

"don't worry, I'll handle it," he said

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