Chapter 11/423 **90+ readers be advised**

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(Taleen P.O.V)*BEEP* *BEEP* the microwave beeped. *Aww yeahhh my milk is done curdling* I swiftly unleash myself from the body pillow and slowly waddle over to the microwave. I grab the milk out and slurps some up, as I couldn't resist the taste of it as I am a small milkbanger. I then bring it to the closet and start placing and pouring some alcoholic milk. 

Taleen sets the closet up, brings the body pillow along and they both start worshipping: 
 i shall worship Kai from birth to death with my heart and soul the betray shall not be real weapons are not included we can not deny anything now with blood and souls the fire of the bloody bonfire shall burn till the next generation and shall never be diseased to Kai, our father from our first sight of the world we are glad that we have this chance with the knowledge you gave us we shall worship you.....with no deny. we shall kill each other or even suicide if we have to all for you our dear Kai father.. i shall worship Kai from birth to death with my heart and soul the betray shall not be real weapons are not included we can not deny anything now with blood and souls the fire of the bloody bonfire shall burn till the next generation and shall never be diseased to Kai, our father from our first sight of the world we are glad that we have this chance with the knowledge you gave us we shall worship you.....with no deny. we shall kill each other or even suicide if we have to all for you our dear Kai father..

Kai then shifts out of the Ninjago world back to the closet as he had drank those 76 cups of alcoholic milk. "t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-tALEEN?!" Kai shrieks, "K-k-k-k-k-k-k-kAI?!" The body pillow and Taleen squawks. 

So yeah, this time there was rapid milk coming from that door frame, extra clapping sounds and I think I even heard a tuba.... Let's just say Kai's egg/child combustion rate is at an all time high 😏

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