LV ; What Would I Do Without You

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Once in front of the nearest pharmacy Minho could find, he turns off the car and hurriedly gets out to go around it and join the passenger side.

He opens the door for the taller boy and leans over to help him out of the car.

The movement causes the piece of glass still planted inside him to move slightly, causing him to let out a grunt at which Minho grimaces in concern.

He has to get that thing out of his skin as soon as possible.

The two boys make their way-slowly but surely-towards the door of the small pharmacy. They walk in and Minho motions for the taller one to go sit on one of the chairs he noticed near the counter where you normally get your prescribed medications.

While Hyunjin gently lands on one of the three emerald green armchairs, the brunette hastens to go from aisle to aisle to find everything he will need to treat the one he loves.

Once the necessities are in hand, he returns to the injured person and places all the objects on the chair next door, given the absence of tables around.

He rolls up his sleeves and then covers his still trembling hands with sterile gloves that he has taken out of a small box.

- Do you know how to... go about it...?

He does not wish to make the smaller one doubt about himself, far from it, but he is simply afraid of what awaits him.

Minho, his voice shaken, responds to the taller one as he follows him with his gaze while he lowers himself a little in front of him.

- Just trust me, okay?

The brunette approaches his hands to the piece of glass stuck in Hyunjin's skin and he doesn't like this vision at all.

He delicately grabs the wrist of the smallest planting his gaze in his, his gaze speaking for itself.

He is as worried as Minho.

But he can't afford to waste any more time.

- Hyunjin, please...

He looks down at whatever is causing all that reddish liquid to appear and finally releases his wrist, once again lending him his trust.

- Alright...

- On three, I'll start pulling. Hold your breath right now...

Hyunjin simply nods, already frowning and closing his eyes, not preferring to see this scene.

- One...

He bites his lip abruptly, apprehending the pain he will feel.

- Two...

Minho very delicately positions his hands on the sharp object, causing him to jump inwardly.

Seeing nothing else to do to ignore the affliction he will suffer in the next second, he quickly grabs the brunette's right thigh with one hand to squeeze it excessively tight between his fingers.

- Three!

An uncontrolled cry then resounds in the building, temporarily breaking the heart of the smallest. But he can't dwell on it, he may have the life of the youngest in his hands.

He then tugs hard on the piece, pulling it out of his skin, its corners slicing through the already open wound of the taller, who can't stop tears from escaping his closed eyes. His flu on the dark blond haired boy's leg is so strong so that his nails leave marks there, even through his pants.

The pain is hellish, unbearable, intolerable.

But although it is not positive connotation, it is certainly not permanent.

Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now