Chapter Two

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[rushed because i have school in a few hours and i feel bad leaving you guys hanging]

[i really need sleep but im not gonna be around for about a week or two and leaving this with one chapter feels shitty yk?]

[authors note over]

Mika's mind was completely fuzzy, she couldn't stop thinking about last night's interaction. It wasn't the first time she'd had a weird interaction with her ex best friend, so you'd think she would be used to it by now. But she wasn't. She couldn't help but feel like there was an underlying reason towards why Chapa wanted her help. Or maybe Mika was trying to validate her feelings of secretly missing the girl. Whatever it was, it wasn't making class any easier to focus on. That was probably bothering Mika the most, since going to class usually helped clear her head.

It definitely didn't help that they were in the middle of a lesson about having a nemesis.

Ray had been on edge ever since Chapa left the team. The last thing he wanted was another teammate to suddenly betray him, so he had been keeping them on their toes with random tests and lessons. The timing was too ironic, and Mika couldn't help but worry Miles had told Ray about what happened last night, when she made him promise he wouldn't.

Mika stared down at the notebook on her desk, pretending to take notes, and occasionally looking up to see what was on the board. Her attention was seized when Ray suddenly slammed a book on the floor, startling all of the students.

"Although most nemesis take time to develop," he pointed at the book that was now on the floor "That is how quickly you can find yourself with one." Mika's eyes darted to the board. There were crappy stock photos of a hero and villain in various situations, but three pictures were bigger than the others. Ray pointed to the first image, a standard fight, "The first sign of developing a nemesis would be fighting one criminal more often than others, almost as if they are seeking you out."

At this, Mika perked up. Every time they found themselves in a situation where they had to fight Chapa, most of her attention had been on Mika. Even if she didn't have backup, she liked to pick on her, even though it was an unfair three against one. At least Mika thought the three against one was unfair, until she remembered they've never successfully stopped her schemes. It was almost impressive.

Ray continued, pointing at the next image. The picture depicts two people having a civil conversation, but both figures had costumes poorly photoshopped on. Mika supposed she could see which one was supposed to be good and which one was supposed to be bad. "Phase two of developing a nemesis, actually seeking each other out. This usually starts in the form of kidnapping or capture, but can develop into our next phase-"

Mika gasped, and she could hear Ray pause. She turned to look at Miles, who was already practically staring a hole into the back of her seat. They made eye contact, and she could see him mouth the words TELL HIM. She turned back around, focusing on Ray again. Who was smiling down at her "Mika, I don't suppose you've experienced anything like this in the past, I dunno, couple of weeks a certain someone has been gone?"

She slowly shook her head, knowing he probably wouldn't believe her. Miles had to have told him, there was no way Ray was smart enough to figure it out himself. Unless he picked up the signs before she did. He has been working as a hero for way longer than she has. Mika turned around and glanced at Chapa's old desk. Her chair was no longer there, and the word TRAITOR had been painted on in blue. Ray claims to have no idea who could've written it, pinning the blame on Bose. Just as Ray had obviously been the one to write on Chapa's desk, Ray had also obviously figured out what was going on with Mika.

Before Mika could give Ray a proper response, Schwoz burst into the room holding a piece of paper. "Ray! I was going to do some science, but when I went to go get my book of blueprints it was gone! And in its place was this note!"

Ray snatched the note, looking it over "So, someone stole your diary and left this note with these weird symbols on it?" He pointed at Schwoz "I'll bet it's a code. Put it through a translator!"

Mika walked up, trying to get a look at the note "Here, let me see. I know how to translate some codes." Ray begrudgingly handed it over. Analyzing it, she noticed it was simple morse code, which she had memorized in case something like this happened. "It says: if you want the book, you know where to meet me. Only send one, and you know who I mean. Send anyone else and this book is getting fried." The sign off was a lightning bolt, and Mika instantly knew who it was from. Immediately, she regretted reading the note out loud.

"And this brings us to phase three, secret messages" Ray pointed at the board again. This time, the image was a person receiving a letter with code photoshopped on. There was a note at the bottom which stated the message translated to Come stop my death ray!, but after doing some quick translation Mika realized it actually said something closer to Let's start a pasta place!. Mika ignored it, turning her attention back to Ray.

Ray held up the note "Oh I don't suppose this was written by a certain someone-" he gestured towards Chapa's old desk, "-who would know only a certain member of danger force knows morse code?-" He gestured again, pointing to Mika this time.

Bose gasped, clasping a hand over his mouth "How are we supposed to know who is who? If we can't figure it out, Schwoz won't get his book back!"

"Here, I'll explain it to you," Miles got up and walked next to Bose, clearly trying to settle the distraught boy, "What Ray is trying to say is this message was CLEARLY written to Mika, and she received it from Chapa since they have been through all the other phases so far-"

"Aha! I knew it! You have a nemesis!" Ray shouted, cutting off Miles.

[authors note again]

[this is completely unrelated btw i just really want to bring it up]

[ok but ive been doing a bit of reading lately and i just really appreciate the stories where chapa does something completely batshit feral. like completely unhinged. and just walks it off.]

[batshit feral chapa is something i didnt know i needed]

[anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter]

[author out fr this time]

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