Chapter Three

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[im so fucking sorry this chapter was meant to come out last wednesday but i got grounded because my grades are doo doo]

[stay in school, do your work]

[btw writing in this chapter starts out strong but rapidly deteriorates i started writing this at 8pm and its currently 1am im halfway through writing and im surviving solely on a mint and half a bottle of some fucked up ice tea]


[please enjoy]

Mika tossed her gum container from one hand to the other, lost in thought. Chapa being her nemesis? The evidence was undeniable, but it was a tough pill to swallow. The more she tried to refuse the fact, the harder the truth hit her. And that tough truth was Chapa was now a villain, and their friendship had completely expired.

Ray argued with Mika about whether or not she should follow the instructions on the note. Mika's argument ultimately boiled down to the fact that she really didn't want to face Chapa on her own, but Ray pointed out that she had to, or Schwoz would lose his book of blueprints (or, his "diary" as Ray put it). He also explained that having a nemesis was a big step in becoming a real superhero, and things would only escalate from there. Whatever the reason, Mika was tired of arguing, and found her feet leading her out of the classroom before she could think twice about it.

Now the real question was if she should burst in guns blazing as Shoutout, or sneak in as Mika. On one end, bursting in as Shoutout means she could use her powers in the event a fight broke loose, but it also means drawing unwanted attention from curious civilians. The only lead she had to where Chapa would possibly want to meet was the location they had their first meeting, which she happened to have saved in a text to Miles. The location happened to be on the edge of town, so not an area heavy with civilians, but an area with civilians nonetheless.

Mika snapped back to reality. She was so lost in thoughts that she walked right past, and her phone was yapping at her to turn around. She recognized the place immediately, but not from the previous night's surprise meeting. It was an abandoned train station. As the town grew, they decided to rebuild in an area where more people resided, on the opposite side of town. People hardly came by this old station anymore, aside from new residents who got confused, or kids who needed a nice hangout spot.

It was perfect for the teenage villain. People hardly stopped by, and if they did it wouldn't be hard to scare them off, or to switch into normal attire and claim to be loitering. Now that she was thinking about it, she was pretty sure there had been multiple emergency calls from around this general area, most of which the team couldn't find Volt by the time they arrived. She must have scampered to this dusty station, and decided to set up camp. If it was such the perfect spot, why did she suddenly decide to share it with two of the heroes?

A voice ripped her out of her thoughts. "You, WHAT?!" The sudden shout snatched Mika's attention, and she turned towards the sound. It came from below a set of stairs. The voice didn't belong to Chapa, so either Mika guessed wrong about the location, or she wasn't alone.

"Technically I didn't lose it, it was stolen." A second voice rang out. This one she recognized as Chapa, confirming her suspicions. Mika carefully glanced down the stairs, taking care not to draw attention to herself. Chapa stood at the bottom of the stairs, in front a table Mika recognized as the one from the night prior. She couldn't see the second person, and figured they must have been against a wall or somewhere else out of her line of sight.

The other voice spoke up again "So either way, it's out of your possession. No matter how you put it, it's been lost." The voice sounded angry, or at the very least assertive, and she could tell Chapa was getting tense. Sparks began to leak out of her finger tips, and she jammed her hands in her pockets to hide it.

"What are you doing to me..?" [A Chamika story]Where stories live. Discover now