haiii [explodes]

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yeah im really sorry i just kind of up and dipped

basically the day the next chapter was supposed to come out my account was discovered by family so i had to abandon ship

im super not gonna lie i was gonna orphan fic but then i watched the new evil dead and one of the characters reminded me of chapa and i couldnt stop thinking about it

so anyways. heres a summary of how the plot was supposed to go and how it was supposed to end

so after the duo gets to the beaten dungeon, chapa enters first and makes conversation but before mika gets a chance to enter, ray arrives as captain man. mika is unsure how to explain her position to ray, so she stays behind until eventually chapa has another power surge, causing herself and ray to pass out. using the chaos to her advantage, mika grabs chapa, the weapon, and runs out.

mika does as previously mentioned, and uses the weapon to find the ip address while chapa recovers and eventually wakes up again. mika establishes a gps as the duo sets out to track down the thief... except hes really far. like, a couple towns over far. and they cant teleport seeing as theyre trying to keep their temporary team up a secret from the rest of danger force, especially miles who is keen on keeping mika as far away from chapa as possible. so they take a train. the ride is pretty long, and chapa is still relatively out of it from the previous power surge, so she falls asleep resting her head on mika's shoulder. they try not to speak about it when they get to their stop.

they proceed forward on their hunt for the thief, winding up in front of an apartment building. they disguise themselves, not in their costumes as to not make it obvious that theyre working together, before proceeding into the thief's apartment. which... looks like a regular apartment. save for the collections of illegal parts, weapons, and traps. while mika is distracted examining the piles, she hears a really unnerving thud one room over. she rushes in, and wouldn't you know it, the thief is face down on the floor while chapa stands over him with lightning zipping through her hands. [m:"did you just kill that man?" c:"hes just resting" m:"he has no pulse-" c:"hes VERY tired"]. mika doesn't get a chance to say anything before chapa grabs something off of the man's desk, and the duo runs out of the apartment before they can get caught.

as they walk back to the train station, mika asks what the item chapa lost was. being in a good mood, chapa lets mika hold it, and to her surprise, it's nothing but a simple hard drive [m:"you seem weirdly protective of this hard drive 🤨" c:"itS NOT LIKE THAT I SWEAR-"] and yk. they take the train ride back, and pretend they hate each other as they swear to never team up like that again [although this was supposed to be the first kiss scene but that feels rushed doesnt it?]

[oh right and there was supposed to be a scene about the two growing apart again and suddenly realizing how much they miss each other "i cant handle change" style yk?]
[because im a sucker for angst]

in between this part and the climax there was supposed to be two subplots i hadnt fully planned out. Subplot (A)where mika needed chapas help with something, sort of calling in a favor in a way- although its important to note that during this subplot chapa was supposed to slowly grow feelings for mika which was to become apparent through her powers vanishing which is where the title is from- Subplot (B) with a traitor bose arc- like its slowly revealed that he was leaking plans and sharing information with villains and he gets kicked off danger force where he quickly joins up with chapa

from there it was supposed to be a whole thing with mika and miles being pulled from SWAG since they were the only two students left there and being put into normal school. there was supposed to be some awkward tension as they see bose and chapa in the hallways and stuff, and even share some classes. eventually they were gonna end up in detention together [somehow? i was thinking a hallway fight but that feels pretty ooc for the macklins so. idk.] for a sort of "breakfast club/one of us is lying" type chapters.

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