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"This is the girl?" A beautiful woman asked to the disgusting Pedophile The woman had scarlet hair tied into a bun accessorized by three long golden pins. She wore a beautiful kimono and haori, Her eyes were a beautiful color as well, She looked as if she was the symbol of a sakura blossom beauty. Some weird ideology I thought of.

"Yes, Her name is Akane Chiasa. Chiasa, this is Koyou Ozaki from now on you'll be under her care. Which reminds me of something! You don't have anything else to wear except this right? Why don't you and Koyou go do some shopping?" The boss said.

I looked at my clothes and cringed. It was dirty, covered in dust and something...well..I did wake up in some dirty alleyway...I looked back at Koyou and she was looking at my clothes with disgust.

"Nice to meet you Koyou-san. My name is Akane Chiasa."

The boss looked at me with a expression of slight surprise, I think he was a little surprised I know some Japanese. 

"She knows a bit of seems, Hello little one it's nice to meet you as well. Follow me we're going to do something about your situation..."

Doing as she commands I followed her, Walking through the grands halls and dark corridors of the building, Due to an issue,  Koyou left me alone with some hot guy for a bit saying that she needed to take care of something first. I thought he looked familiar so I might have done some obvious staring and it hit me. It was albatross, Chuuya's future friend, one of the flags, a future corpse.

"Hey you're staring. Why don't you take a picture instead little girl?"

'I feel like he said something annoying...'

Fortunately Koyou got back and took my hand in hers and led me away. I looked back at him for one last time before leaving with her.

We went into the car not speaking a single word to each other. It was boring so I just looked out of the window. When all of a sudden Koyou-san initiated a conversation with me.

"Chiasa. How did you get to Japan? I'm quite curious about you current...situation.."

Shit...What the hell should I say??? If I lie then I'd be found's better to tell some parts of the truth...

"Well, see..I was shopping for groceries when there was a bombing incident...And I woke up in Japan?? Ah. Ms. Koyou I think we're here."

I distracted her by looked around (in a bloodstained gown) and saw a gigantic building that was filled with people and their pets. I got out of the car and waited for Koyou-san, I looked around for a bit more and was surprised to have just noticed there were a few more black car behind us. The suited men came out and waited for Koyou-san as well.

Koyou-san soon got out of the car too and extended her hand to me. I accepted her offer and held her hand hesitantly. We went into one of the clothing shops and a white blouse with lantern slight caught my attention. I called out to Koyou-san and she saw the blouse, nodded, and put it in the cart. We were looking for some skirts or pants for me and Koyou-san showed me a black skirt for a moment. It was pretty, On the waistline it had corset thingys, the skirt folds were okay, It's length was probably to my knees. I liked it.

We went shopping around for some more and eventually the cart was halfway full with my future clothes. walking around for some more time before going back. She introduced me to my current room.

It had grey walls and the floors are somewhat black. There was a bed, a bedside table, a closet, a small bathroom, a table, a chair, and some other basic things in an apartment.

We said our farewells to each other and I took out my notebook and pencil case from my bag. I erased every notes I had written in it. There was no more use for them. I wrote down everything that was important to the plot in Chinese hoping that nobody from the mafia understood it, if they ever across this book. 

I closed the book and place it in the desk drawer. I poured out my things from my bag and saw my charger, phone, a melted down ice cream, wallet, my sketchbook, and a TBHK volume 14 I had just bought a week ago. I decided to read it to entertain myself..

I laid down sideways on the bed and read it, paying attention to the details. I always loved Aida Iro's art style after all. Some time went by, I had finished reading it and placed it on the desk.

Lying back down on the bed I stared at the ceiling waiting to sleep...

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