Chapter 7

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"Kiyoshi was the only survivor?"  Vanta asks.  "How?"

"Middle seat."  Kiyoshi mutters.  "Hit k... killed dad and sister... rolling killed... brother and mom... I was between two siblings, and... and they... their bodies kept me safe from dying."  He swallows hard, his eyes fixed on the floor.

"Oh, man..." Atlas says.

"I hit my face and head bad but I... did not die like them...". His voice shakes as he speaks.  "It... it hurt..."

"I can imagine..." Vanta tells him.

"It still hurts..." he continues, "my head never stops hurting."

"Cerebral Spinal Fluid Leak,"  Iria explains.  "The impact did a number on his brain, and because most of what happened to him was left untreated, it never healed properly, and because of it, Kiyoshi still gets frequent debilitating headaches."

"I'm confused,"  Atlas admits.  "He was targeted because he got brain damage?"

"He was targeted because he had no known family, way of providing for himself, or even a way of paying for his medical bills.  Plus, at the time he spoke little English, and couldn't be flown back to Japan because his head injury flares up in places with high amounts of air pressure, so a plane ride would be too risky, not to mention excruciating."

"And his head injury couldn't be treated because he had no way to pay for the surgery?"

"Exactly."  Iria tells them.

"I had to run away from the hospital."  Kiyoshi explains.  "They wanted me to stay until there was a way to pay for the ambulance and other things.  I was on the street when someone from Proelium attacked me, and Iria saved me."

"I planned to take him to the safe house like the others, but he was way too panicky and way more shaken up than the usual target, so I decided to let him stay at my base for a few days.  I explained to him who it was that tried to harm him, and how I help people like him find shelter and a better life."

"But I felt bad that she was being so nice and inviting me into her house instead of making me leave, so I told her that I would help her with things to pay her back."

"And with the help of a translation app, I discovered Kiyoshi's amazing tech skills, and we've been working together ever since."

"I don't think your English is that bad though, man,"  Atlas tells him, absently running his index finger over the metal seam in his prosthetic side.  "You seem to be able to communicate your thoughts just fine."

"Thanks, I... I worked very hard in this year."

Vanta looks over at Atlas, noting the tentative movement of his fingers along his torso.  He catches her gaze, smiling softly.

"Shouldn't'a crawled over the seat like that."  He says to her quietly, before turning back to Kiyoshi.  "Still, good for you standing up for what's right and helping Iria's cause fresh outta some major life trauma.  That shows a lot about your character.  You're pretty strong, aren't you, Kiyo?  I can call ya Kiyo like Iria does, right?"

"Kiyo is ok!  I do not mind it."  Kiyoshi sniffs, the shakiness in his voice evening out a tad.  "Thank you, I do not think that about me, but I am happy that you think that."

"What were their names?"  Atlas asks.  "Your siblings."

"Hideo and Misako,"  Kiyoshi explains.  "Hideo was my older brother, and Misako was my younger sister."

"Well, I think Hideo and Misako would be really proud of what you've been doing to help people."  He tells him.  "I bet they're watching over you with a smile.  Your parents too."

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