Chapter 10 - Smiley Prints

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Ashley's POV

Today is Monday and as agreed upon, Kris will send me to and from my school as the 'sweet and loving protective husband' that he is. Take note the sarcasm. -.-

So here I am at the front seat of Kris' car while Kris silently drives the engine towards my school. Remembering that I have a quiz on our Physics class later, I rummage my knapsack for my notebook and start reviewing. I memorize the formulas needed for our quiz and silently mumble them in my head.

We arrive at my school and by the awed looks of the students at the sight of Kris' glorious Ferrari, I can tell that I would be the apple of the students' prying eyes.

"Here we are, wifey." Kris states and turns to me. "It's show time."

I sigh and keep my notebook in my bag. Kris gets out of the car and the moment he steps out, I swear, the students' and teachers' mouth are already on the ground.

Kris seems like he doesn't mind as he normally turns to my side of the car and opens the door for me. I step out and smile sweetly at him. He smiles at me adoringly like he's crazily smitten at me that I nearly believed that it's not fake.

Hello?! He's an actor, remember? My sane mind scolds me.

The people are all looking at us and I can't help but feel anxious.

"Bye, hubby." I say sweetly at Kris. "See you later."

I tiptoe while Kris bends down a little taller to my height ('cause he's so damn tall) and give him a peck on his cheek. Kris smiles and says, "Yes wifey. See you later."

Then, he kisses me on my lips (just a smack) and on my forehead. I swear I could hear my heart beating like a drum.

What the heck? I should not feel this way! I. Should. NOT!

He gets inside his car and then leaves. I stand there unmoving and anxious of the students' stares at me.

I mentally shake my head and move on to my classroom.


My classes are finally done and I am so brain tired. It's like I've been putting my brain in a heavy brain workout. Not to mention, my super difficult project in Literature to be passed next month. -.-

I exit the school campus and hail a cab. Kris texted me a while ago that he cannot pick me up because his photo shoot for a magazine campaign will take too long. A taxi stops in front of me and I step inside. I tell the driver the location of Kris' condo weakly and just let the music inside the car fill the silence. My eyes are drooping and I urge myself to not fall asleep in my seat. I mentally hope that the ride will be more faster because all I really wanna do is plop down in my comfy bed and sleep. Thankfully, we arrive in the condo and I hastily give the driver my fare. I walk from the first floor to the door of our condo like a zombie. I punch in the pin code of our condo (yes, we got our main door traditional key-and-lock system changed into the hi-tech pin code). As soon I enter our condo, I drop my knapsack on the couch and start rummaging the fridge in the kitchen. I eat an apple and drink water afterwards.

I get inside my room and start removing my clothes. With my underwear on, I jump into my bed and put my blanket just above my waist. I hug one pillow and put one pillow in my head.

Ahh. This is so good. My brain says.

Within minutes, sleep consumes me.

Kris' POV

My photo shoot finally ended and I am hungry as fuck. After the photographer declared it's a wrap, I hurriedly remove myself from the set and hop inside my car. I check the time on my wristwatch and it read 7:10 pm.

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