Red Scorpion and Blue Mermaid (part 3 unfolding the truths) (chapter 5)

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Location: Unknown
3rd POV

??? 1: So we are not the only one that get summon here?

??? 2: Yes, after we analyze their movements they're likely an Aces but...

??? 1: but what?

??? 2: their insignia i never see it

??? 3: interesting

The two than turn their face towards the man who said it

??? 1: what do you mean "interesting"! They maybe destroy our plan, just like that "demon"

??? 3: that's what make it interesting.

The man stand up than prepare to leave

??? 3: an aces of 4 plane, unlike him they fly together protect each other. "he" is born for battle but they, they already connected when they born, fated to fight the Battle together.

??? 2: but still we must prepare for all possibility, how long until it can operated?

??? 4: without arms it with weapon maybe a few months

??? 2: our chances being spotted?

??? 5: under 10%. Don't worry i have plan to make one of our problem busy

??? 1: which one

??? 5: blue mermaid. We will use biology weapon

??? 3: is that will affect the Aces too?

??? 5: if they also in location blue mermaid take a training for new students than yes but i think they will not be affected

??? 3: good, i want to take them down in their prime if not i can't call myself with my ace title.

??? 1: you still in it huh "solo wing pixy"

Pixy: of course, now i will take my leave i must prepare my plane

Pixy than leave the room leaving 4 other

??? 5: i hope he didn't betray us and give them "morgan"

??? 2: don't worry we already attached a self-destruction system, so if he decides to betray us.

??? 4: he will explode, nice plan to be honest.

??? 2: thanks but let's focusing on blue mermaid first than the unknown

Location: Pasific sea, USS Gerald R Ford Deck
3rd POV

Ford's thought: alright Ford you can do this keep calm and concentrate

A CH-53E than slowly begin to hover but it can't get the cargo. In the side there's Feizen that observing her and Ridwan that passing by decided to ask something that bugging him

Ridwan: hey Feizen can't you teach her how to fly a helicopter?

Feizen: she want to do it alone because it's always me or avior that fly the CH-53E to give blue mermaid ship supply

Ridwan: so she wants to help by doing it too huh

Feizen: yeah i somehow convince her to make some examples that she can copy but... *sweatdrop*

Ridwan: she can't get the cargo right

Feizen: yeah, anyway why you here? Want me to get you to one of their ship?

Ridwan: did you forget their reaction when see us or you just want to tease me like Burford?

Feizen: just kidding but it's just unbelievable, the male population is more low than females, this world didn't have fighters jet, the second World War is between American and Chinese and some county is sink because the sea level increases hundred years ago

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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