Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
--- UN General Assembly, 1948, Universal declaration of human rights (217 [III] A). Paris. Art. 2
The circular room has a single door leading away from it. It leads to a hallway. When Erin enters, she immediately notices the first door on the right is propped open. Erin looks inside.
The room behind the door differs from any room Erin has ever seen. The floor, walls and ceiling are made of wood. Right next to the door stands a wooden bar, littered with dark glass bottles and plastic boxes, some still containing food. Some of the food has been there for days, given the rotten smell. On the other side of the door stands an oversized leather couch, with black cushions.
Next to the bar stands a large wooden table, with twelve wooden chairs. The surface of this table is littered with the same dark glass bottles and plastic boxes as the bar. In the back, there is a table with a green surface, and some plastic balls lie on top of it. Erin thinks this is called a 'pool table', but she is not sure.
On the left is a large wooden staircase, leading to a second level. Right below the stairs, there is a second leather couch, identical to the first. On that couch, two angels sit.
The angel on the left is unmistakably Fortitude. He looks way less muscular and handsome than his statue. The wings seem to be missing too. His skin looks grey and pale, and his eyes look bloodshot. His face is freckled and wrinkled. Erin estimates him to be about sixty years old. He is actually older than that, Erin corrects herself, as the ship landed more than fifty years ago. He is drinking from a dark glass bottle, a similar bottle to the ones littered all over the bar and table. He doesn't seem to notice the presence of the three girls, his attention fully focused on the bottle.
The other angel next to Fortitude is undeniably Astra. She is a short woman with blond hair. She looks similar to her statue but is also missing her wings. She looks younger, in her fifties, although Erin knows she is of a similar age. She is asleep on the couch, leaning to the side, her head firmly planted on a black cushion.
Both of them are dressed in a long white shirt and white pants, although Fortitude's clothes have some red stains on them.
Sadie and Erin slowly help Gwen to the nearest couch. Gwen puts her head on one of the cushions, falling immediately into a deep sleep. Erin lifts Gwen's two legs, both the real and the metal one, on the couch. Erin caresses Gwen's cheek. "It's alright Gwen," she whispers. "I am gonna find help. You are gonna be alright. I will be right back."
Gwen looks almost peacefully asleep if it was not for her grey skin and her arrhythmic, shallow breathing. Erin feels anger and fear welling up when she sees her only friend lying here like that. Gwen was the sweetest girl ever, she didn't deserve any of this. This was all Erin's fault. If she hadn't spoken up in class, non of this would have happened.
Erin turns to Sadie. "Alright," Erin whispers. "Can you stay with her, make sure she keeps breathing, while I go ask the angels for some medical supplies?"
Erin walks to Fortitude and tabs on his arm. "Excuse me, but our friend needs medical help, do you have an integrity booster lying around somewhere?"
Fortitude is startled when Erin touches him and he looks up. His mind seems to need a couple of seconds to process Erin's existence. After a long pause, he says two words.
Horrora rebellious teenage girl is sent on a pilgrimage to atone for her sins. Contains violence and dark content. Excerpt (chapter 2): Erin looks again at her plate. "It probably tastes way better than this crap." She throws her fork down. It hits the me...