Chapter one

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Margaret Hale POV

I was dropped off to school by Dad. "Love you!" He told me. I nodded. I rarely spoke ever since Mom. I got out and someone bumped into me on accident. 

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry." He apologized. "It's okay. I probably should have been watching where I was going!" I said. I helped him pick up his books. 

I got a good look at him. He had blonde hair and he had a scar on his eye and an eyepatch over it. "I'm Margaret. You can call me Margie!" I said. He nodded. 

"I'm Aemond." He said. I nodded. 

We walked to the office and got our schedules. 

We had a few classes together. "Class, these are our new students, Aemond Argent, Allison Argent, and Margaret Hale. Please do your best to make them feel welcome." The principle sid. I sat behind Aemond. I accidentally forgot a pen. 

"Hey, Aemond-" He had a pen in his hand. I smiled. "Thanks." He smiled. 

We started to syllabus. 

I got to my locker with Aemond. "What happened to your eye?" I asked. "Well, when I was a child I got in fight with my newphews they got pissed and one of them grabbed a blade and cut my eye. It was too deep and the hospital couldn't save my eye." I nodded. "That's cool." I said. 

I saw my best friends Scott and Stiles. "Hey." They walked over. "Who's this?" Scott asked. "Um, Scott, Stiles, this is Aemond. He's new here." I said. They nodded. Stiles talked with a girl and Scott stared at Allison. 

"C'mon, Aemond!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the practice. 

I sat down and he sat beside me. Allison and Lydia sat on the other side of him. "Hey, Margie!" Lydia smiled. "Hi!" I smiled. 

"Who is that?" Allison asked us. "Him? That's Scott. He's one of my childhood friends." I said. "Why?" Lydia asked. 

"He's in my English class." She said. I nodded. The ball was thrown and it hit Scott in his face. I winced. "He always this bad?" Aemond asked. I turned. "No... Maybe. Sometimes." I said. 

Aemond sniggered. 

Another kid threw the ball and Scott caught it. "Yeah." Stiles said. They kept throwing and he kept catching it. "He seems very good." Allison said. "Yeah, very good." Lydia said. 

Jackson got in front of a kid. "Oh god." I mumbled. Jackson ran at Scott and he threw the ball. Scott caught it. "WOOO!" I yelled and cheered with Lydia. 

"WHOO!" Jackson glared at Lydia. She looked at him and smirked. Scott threw it at the coach. 

I was in the woods with Dad. "You have a crush on every boy in the school!" He said. "Not true. He's just... different." I muttered. Dad smiled. His smile then dropped. I saw Scott and Stiles. I was standing next to Dad. I had my wolf, Jackie beside me. They both saw us. 

"What are you doing here?" Dad asked them. "Huh? This is private property." Dad said. "Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know." Stiles lied. 

"Yeah, we were just looking for something, but..." Dad looked at him. "Uh, forget it." Dad threw Scott his inhaler and he caught it. We then walked back to the house. 

I got to school the next day. I was walking to the bleachers with Scott. I smiled and Allie waved. He waved back. I sat down next to Aemond. I smiled. "Hey." 

We watched game and Jackson knocked him down. I winced. Jackson smirked at Scott. Scott then ran past all the players and he jumped over three of them and shot the goal. 

I cheered with everyone else. The team cheered and got over to him. "McCall Get over here!"

 "McCall Get over here!"

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I saw Aemond pull up. "By Dad! I'll see you later!" I yelled. "Bye!" He yelled back. I got outside and got into his car. I smiled. "Hey."

We got to the party and I felt nervous. I felt a hand gently touch mine and I smiled. Aemond then led me to the dance floor. I had my arms around his neck. I laid my forehead on his shoulder. 

"Can I ask you something?" I asked. "What?"

"How come you always in an outfit like this?" I asked. He smirked. "Because I like to impress girls I like." He teased. I smiled. 

He then leaned in and he kissed me. I kissed him back. We started a whole make-out session. 

Aemond then took me up to the bathroom and he locked the door. "Do you want to do this-" Before he finished I kissed him. He kissed me back. 

"I do."

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