Chapter 5-Dilemma

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Wind Archer doesn't make friends often.

He usually keeps to himself, not even talking to the fellow churro or grass villagers.

He hated socializing.

He's seen cookies from town come into the forest. One of them was a little cookie with bright green leafy hair, always carrying a potted plant around. He had watched him as he took care of the forest flora. And for once, he thought this was a good opportunity. This cookie seemed so gentle... definitely someone who won't hurt the tree.

Maybe... Maybe if I can just approach him...

And at that moment, he accidentally made noise. The cookie turned around in alarm, and as he did, Wind Archer could see the tiny hints of fear in his eyes. His determination failed him, and he sulked back into the shades of the trees.

He never saw that cookie again afterwards.

I probably scared him away, he thought to himself.

He thought about going into the town to find that cookie.

But he rejected that idea almost immediately after he thought of it.

. . .

The fallen spirit finally went back to the dragon's valley. Wind Archer breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he left, while Millennial Tree raised an eyebrow.

"See, son, this is why you don't make any friends."


"You didn't even give him a chance."

"For the LAST TIME: HE IS A FALLEN SPIRIT. They can't be trusted. None of them can. I don't care if he didn't hurt anyone: sooner or later he WILL do it. They're all the same."

"Well, you don't know that."

"... one day, those ideals will get you seriously injured." (cue Millennial Tree giving his seed to pomegranate)

"I'm not asking you to trust everyone. I'm only asking you to give them a try. If they hurt you, it's on them. That 'fallen spirit' could have burned down this whole forest, and gained much more power than he has. But he didn't. I'm not so sure if he is even a fallen spirit anymore, afterall, he can walk through my barrier."


"What's wrong?"

"He just feels off to me."

"EVERYONE feels off to you, Wind."

"I KNOW, it's just he makes me feel... queasy just by being around him."

"But he didn't do anything wrong!"

"Not yet. But soon... I just know it."

"Hmm. Whatever makes you comfortable. But sooner or later you'll have to take my advice." He ruffled his hair.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say..." he sighed.

. . .

Wind Archer and Millennial Tree were spending more time with each other. Occasionally, Wind Archer would have to shoot down a few fallen spirits, but that's about it. He has so much more time to do what he wants, it's almost boring sometimes.

He was currently stalking a fallen spirit, waiting for a moment to strike. The purple fallen spirit was munching away on a bush leaf. It seemed like it was only a few days old: Wind Archer could tell by the small horns and wings.

He pounced on it, pinning it down with his foot and notching an arrow. The fallen spirit let out a little squeal of pain and whimpered as it tried to escape.

"Time for you to go, little one. It's for the better."

The fallen spirit whimpered again, looking up at him with tearful eyes. For a minute he felt pity for it, but then he remembered Fire Spirit. What happened last time he let his guard down.

He shot the arrow without any more hesitation. A few seconds later, a pure spirit in the shape of a bird flew out from the cavity of the fallen spirit's remains, and the fallen spirit turned to dust.

Wind Archer stared.

Usually he felt nothing when he shot them. He even felt he was doing a favor for them when he ceased their existence.

But he realized that ever since he met Fire Spirit, he found it harder and harder to shoot fallen spirits. Especially the baby ones.

He wanted to confront Millennial Tree about this. But he stopped himself.

What if my soul is... corrupted?! Millennial Tree might not even like me anymore! I can't let him find out...

It's all because of that Fire Spirit. He did something to me. I know it. It isn't my fault, it's his.

I wish he never comes back, ever again.

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